
Karma's Fist is setting new records in the following categories:

a) most incoherent / least logical thought structure
b) lowest entertainment value ever
c) most ignorant about topics discussed
d) displays most signs of serious psychopathology (personality disorders or schizophrenia)

You must be a STUPID as Stevie. Are you OF that generation? I guess the whole GENERATION PORN thinking they can have a mainstream "career" illustrated by Stevie taking a PRANK to fruition because of a pathetic need to be noticed just escaped your great intellect. I think I've been pretty consistent with my post. Calling people on their bullshit. Now if you wish to label me with a psychological profile then go ahead. I spent plenty of post yesterday doing the same to Luke. Turnabout is fair play. Just not all that inspired or original. I guess you find THAT approach "entertaining".