this is a wonderful post.

So I went out on the porch after dinner to enjoy a smoke and a jazz cigarette. Cracked open an MGD, took a couple of sips and deep breaths and then I saw it.

My cat was fucking the shit out of his brother under the shade of my japanese maple tree. I mean really giving it to him. Balls deep and everything.

I tried a broom and a couple of friendly kicks but nothing would break up their feline faggotry. In a final effort of disgust I poured my beer on them and went inside to reflect on what I had just seen.

Nine beers later I have come to accept that my cat is a fucking queer.

What is the preferred method of dealing with incestuous animal homosexualism, short of a sack in the lake?

"She has no waist, no interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits