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#268938 - 08/21/07 01:14 PM XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
KurtLockwood Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 08/11/07
Posts: 393

Dear Lovers,

Nope, sorry to burst your bubble but this is not a suicide note, haha. (And for those of you who really were thinking it was and coming here excitedly hoping for that, I think you've just found your own personal litmus test gauging just what truly horrible pathetic excuses for human beings that you haters really are and karma will get you (if I don't get you first, haha, JUST KIDDING.) I know this is too long, but fuck it, it's my LAST POST, so indulge me. I've tried to number my points as not to be accused of ranting, but I know the haters will try to spin it that way anyway or try to accuse me of being on drugs but honestly, it's not any of that. It's just my last post so I have a lot of last words, so shall we?

1. I came in here, not expecting much and and I wasn't wrong. This place is a horrible waste of time. It was fun for a little while but I think one point that we can ALL agree on is that it was getting repetitive and monotonous, no? Again I say, it's you haters fault. You haters were boring and repetitious with YOUR attacks I only EVER responded, so how many different ways exist to give a snarky response to the SAME ATTACKS? But really? That was my point all along. How've you haters kept this repetitive shit up for FIVE YEARS without getting bored? See, all the while you've been hating, you've also been watching my career continuously climb, winning THREE AVN AWARDS, directing big budget FEATURES, and continuing to yes, earn a six figure a year income and that's solely from performing, not even counting my directing money. Whatever damage you ever thought you were doing was ephemeral at best, it was all in your heads. Where is the evidence that it EVER worked in the REAL WORLD? THAT is where I say you guys were/are wasting your time and completely and utterly delusional and ultimately quite powerless. To wit: XPT is NOT the real world. Just because you post things here doesn't make them true. Sad but NOT true.

2. You know, I was gonna ask you hater lot, "Ok, what will it take for you guys to SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. To leave me the fuck alone? To stop wasting your lives posting about me fifty times a day (Don)? And I've come to the conclusion that you haters all are just too far gone in your obsessive compulsive psychosis. There is no answer to my question. Your rampant homophobia, your misplaced self-anger, your JEALOUSY (just fucking admit it already) won't LET you leave me alone. I'm your addiction. I am what gets you off. You love me. Admit it. I am what gets you haters out of bed in the morning. Yet, why no matter how fruitlessly you see all of your rancor and EXHAUSTIVE hater efforts fail to affect my career, (whether I respond or not), to you, why do you continue day after day (incl. Sundays!?), week after week, month after month, and year after year? A: I am just too compelling for you haters to NOT pay attention, too. And I just win too much, right? I've gotten too much pussy, too much money, too much success, I'm too good looking, my body is to "in-shape," I'm too smart, I'm too funny and you just. can't. stand it. You haters in here won't stop til you see me dead, (right, Willie? You sicko loser!) You haters are disgusting human beings. Live and let live, I say.

3. What have I EVER done to any of you, personally? If you don't like my performances, don't watch them. But what did I ever do to YOU to deserve such bitter, bitter hatred. Because I'm egotistical? So what. Was I ever egotistical to you personally (besides this board, haha). Nope, I don't know ANY of you, and YOU DON'T ME (get that through your thick fat fucking skull, Don, you're such a CREEP!!). My ego? Guess what? I'm a pornstar. You've seen me on your screens fucking the girls you wanna fuck, I know, hey, sorry, pal, we all have our lot in life. Mine was too fuck these girls and yours was to jack off to it. Get over it. And you know the other porn stars that you say are humble? They're ALL secretly egotistical, they just hide it better than me. Believe it. To fuck in front of a camera, if you are NOT using caverjet, you MUST have an ego. No sheepish dudes are EVER gonna be able to get it up and pop on cue in porn. Sorry, even the guys you all think as "Mr. Congeniality" in porn are just better politicians than me. I keep telling you guys about my "punk rock roots." I just can't bullshit and "play nice" when haters like you lot who don't know me, have never met me, decided to start fights when nothing in my life concerns you ever at all, so wtf?

4. XPT R.I.P. This place was D.O.A. what before I got here. You could do a search and come up with a million posts you all have made pretty much lamenting it's demise or it having "been better before." Well, for seven (or so)glorious days I resurrected your little shitboard, I WAS THE TRUE PORN JESUS OF XPT. LOL. And now it's time for me to die for your sins, my bitter flock of obsessive DISCIPLE trolls. But you know in your little hater hearts that XPT will NEVER be quite the same. Like B.C. and A.D. there will be an XPT B.L. and an XPT A.D. But the only death it will refer to is your own. I've taken the BIGGEST SHIT EVER on this hater dump even in the recorded history of XPT-including fight challenges, not one but two banner changes just for li'l ol' me (completely unprecedented), multiple locked threads within days, thousands of posts against me (and many supportive, thanks y'all!), I had mentally challenged mods deleting and changing my posts, posting AS ME (again unprecedented). It was like 50 of the haters vs. pretty much just me. And the bastards never laid a glove on me. I wasn't even ever banned, not even suspended. This place will be snoozeville and empty and dull in comparison without me now. You'll have to go back to attacking Ryan again, haha. (Give'em hell, Ryan!) D.O.A. worse than before, I say. I know you cowardly hater fucks will post a million responses now that you know I'm not coming back (and never reading this site again so go ahead waste your time, impress you sad excuse for "friends") but I don't care. It's all empty here now. Every single future stupid remark made about me will be a reminder of the GLORIOUS SEVEN DAYS OF XPT, when I made XPT the hottest ticket in porn, by even the haters' admission, holding the eye and ear of many in and out of the adult business.

5. I suspect Willie and the rest of THE LEGION OF SUPERPUSSIES will with time continue to secretly and not so secretly delete all my old posts because my posts ripped them new assholes too good too many times and everyone knows it and they can't take what they dish out because they are stupid cowardly cunts. They are internet bullies and like all bullies, when you stand up to them as I have done in a big way they delete your posts and post as you and show you what true cowards they really are. And you know why? Because they can't take their own medicine and I proved that not only am I better at real life than they are I was better even at XPT than they were, haha. Fucktards.

666. So This is my last post here. (That's why it's so long, sorry.) I spent like two or three hours on here last night and that's too much. I've had my say. And now it's time to move on and let all you haters drown in your own obscurity and bad feelings. Plus, I really want to apologize to Trish for remarks I made about her illness, tho I felt justified since she failed to defend me or speak up when her hater "friends" were publicly posting that they wished on me the very affliction SHE HAS. Yet you attack me? Anyway for myself, my response, tho completely justified, proved to me as Neitzche said, "Battle not ye monsters lest ye become a monster." I don't want to be an XPT monster. I don't want to fight that dirty with you, Trisha, no matter how much you started it, but I tried to be friends and you insisted on insulting me. However, in the final analysis yes, I apologize (and I think you owe me one, too, but I don't expect you to be as mature). And btw, for those of you who may want to spin this this way, I swear I haven't in any way shape or form been asked to stop posting here by anyone via e-mail or phone or anything so don't even try that one, no one has scared me off, I'm choosing on my own volition to stop running around in circles with jerkwad losers. As far I know my shooting dates remain intact for THE LAST AMERICAN GIGOLO despite Don's worst efforts, haha. But alas, ye haters, It's time to plop you all back into the toilet of anonymity (where GiGi lives, haha). Sorry. I now how you HATE it there so... tough shit. Haha. At least you'll have your hate to share and keep you warm, for whatever pathetic existence that's worth. (One last one, tho- Hey Crippie-boy Burgie! (singing) Get up, STAND UP, STAND UP for your rights (against haters like Crippie-boy), Get up, STAND UP, Don't give up the fight! Against haters like Crippieboy Burgie, haha. Sorry. Had to push you in the pool one last time, Burgie. I love ya!) See, haters? In a way, one cannot help but feel sorry for you douchebags. But how it came to be that your hatred of a PORNSTAR could come to be the single most dominating factor in your miserable existences is something you will all have to soul search and wrestle with yourselves over for a lonnnnnggg time to come.

777. Heaven. Valinor. (Forgive me but I'm gonna let my inner geek out for a moment.) Yes, I'm moving to Spain. I've made an investment that is paying off for me in ways that I may never have to work in porn again. I may or may not come back to shoot. But it's not up to anyone but me. Those of you who hoped I would come to a horrible end were wrong. I beat you. I won. I did whatever I wanted in this adult business and I was handsomely rewarded with awards, travel, money, women and fame. And you haters were powerless to ever stop me. Ever. And any of you who may try to spin that my moving to the gorgeous, liberal country of Spain is in anyway my flunking out of porn, well, my friends, then you can count me as the biggest Porno High School Drop Ever. I'm the kid with the AC/DC jacket, smoking in the bus loop between classes who ended up as Eddie Van Halen compared to you hater Waldos. Anyway, oh yeah, Spain and my own inner geek... To me it's like at the very end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy when Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf and elves are leaving middle-earth (pornvalley). I destroyed my ring of power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. To be a pornstar is to know a version of that. Like in the Lord Of the Rings, you cannot wield this power without it corrupting you. If I don't let it go now, I will end up like Gollum or Rick Masters, hahahaha. (Sorry, Rick, you know I love ya.) I choose a mortal life, because I can. I graduated. Yet, Iike Frodo, I have been stabbed by the Mordor blade, porn is in my system, I can't stay in L.A. and not be in porn and I want to move on. So I'm leaving for the grey havens, then onto the shores of Valinor. Spain. Maybe to return (as I have pointed out, Laura from Naughty America has offered to fly me to and fro to continue working for them on a limited basis, I also have my friends at Hustler (Hi Scott, Jeff), my contacts in Oakland and more and more, so the door is always open to return IF I WISH (thanks forever for that, Laura, I love you!) but for now, I want to see more of the world beyond this country. And now I can. And I really hope that all you haters can find one tenth of the peace I have now found. When they ask you: Whatever happened to three time AVN award winning adult film star Kurt Lockwood who performed in nearly 1500 scenes all over the world with over 1100 women and directed nine movies-including soundtrack to performances- which were distributed in the hundreds of thousands across the globe?? A: Lockwood? That lucky bastard, he fell in love with a beautiful, young Spanish girl. He made wise investments that allowed him to retire to the gorgeous coast of her home country where they were married and raised a loving family.. and he lived happily ever after....

"...the rest is silence..."
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare

#268939 - 08/21/07 01:19 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Willie D Offline

Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/20/05
Posts: 9185
Face it, Bo told you to stop posting.

You typed all that shit? Look who just got owned, Mr "I spent 4 hours on XPT yesterday." Die, douchebag.

#268940 - 08/21/07 01:24 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Sonny Chiba Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 12/06/05
Posts: 1135
Loc: Temple Of Doom
Goodbye and good riddance.
I fucking hate you.-Jeff Steward

#268941 - 08/21/07 01:26 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Saevus Maximus Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 04/19/03
Posts: 1083
Loc: In the corner, cutting myself.
Wankus was right, Lockwood is a pussy. Turn up the heat and he melts like a little girl. Wankus handed him his ass and now so did XPT. What a fucking joke.
"Rape one baby and they label you a child molester. It's a cruel world brother." Skeeter Kerkove

#268942 - 08/21/07 01:28 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Conky Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 11/04/06
Posts: 4203
Loc: Bakersfield Plumbing Supplies ...
Thanks for stopping by, Kurt. It's been educational. All this time I thought you were a self involved, one dimensional, deluded has been, but I didn't realize you had OCD too.

You learn something new every day, and in that spirit, 666? That's not actually the number of the beast. That was a typo. It's 661.
I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH

#268943 - 08/21/07 01:46 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Bill Hicks Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 717
Loc: Off the mortal coil
Too long; didn't read.

#268944 - 08/21/07 01:50 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Christian+Kurt=sore ass Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 08/19/07
Posts: 39
393 posts with total shit and ranting. The man is paranoid and shallow. Delusional and a user.
I feel sorry for you. You have not learned nothing. You have so totally made an ass of yourself, that I am surprised if you will be hired for other stuff than the bukkake or midnight prowl stuff.

What do you expect? "Pleeease Kurt! Don't leave us. We need you to tell us how fantastic you are 40 times a day, and how low-lives we are". Yeah right. Never.

This is a day of joy! Good luck with your male ass hunt.

#268945 - 08/21/07 01:53 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Stevie Why Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 05/16/07
Posts: 988
Loc: Sun Diego
And people gave me shit for *my* long posts?

See you at AVN this January, F. Steve Fitzgerald. I assume SexZ Pictures is content with knowing you've invited everyone with your challenges of physical violence here to kick your ass at *their* booth, while you're signing for *their* company?

Its been fun!
"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"

#268946 - 08/21/07 01:55 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Postmortem Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 07/17/07
Posts: 297
Kurt, if you could have just been a bit more gracious, I could have held my tongue...

I used to be a regular client of a very well-known escort service. They had a public list, and for established clients, a discreet private "specials" list.

Kurt, as you well know, your male escort services were available. To your credit, the fee was 3000/
hour, more than most of the females. But still, this is for taking it up the ass from old businessmen mainly.

So you are so full of shit when you say you never escorted dude. I know I know, they stole your information, right? Like anyone believes that shit...

Anyway, I'm going to check back with the agency and see if your rump is still rentable. And if it is, I'm gonna drop the cash it takes and put your lying rectum to sleep.

Sad really, Kurt. Next time be a little more gracious.
Self-deception facilitates harm to others and to oneself, undermines autonomy, corrupts conscience, violates authenticity, and manifests a vicious lack of courage and self-control that undermines the capacity for compassionate action.

#268947 - 08/21/07 01:59 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Handful Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 05/08/07
Posts: 1681

You've seen me on your screens, fucking the girls you wanna fuck

I have never watched anything with you in it. Primarily because you're in it.


continuing to yes, earn a six figure a year income and that's solely from performing



I've taken the BIGGEST SHIT EVER on this hater dump in the recorded history of XPT

I believe that honor would go to Smartt. His antics actually shut the board down, from what I've been told.


Yes, I'm moving to Spain

You're going there to get 'pegged' by Nacho, aren't you. If you ask him nicely maybe he will wear his special workout gloves for you.

Bye-bye asshole. Talk to you soon when you register your alt-id.
There's not a woman alive who has not wanted to be treated like a whore. It's in their genes.

#268948 - 08/21/07 02:04 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
*L*G* Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America
thanks Kurt

XPT was turning boring with your multiple post

#268949 - 08/21/07 02:06 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Tom Slick Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 03/05/06
Posts: 41
Loc: IL
Kurt, get off the shit. Good luck.

#268950 - 08/21/07 02:08 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
christianxxx Offline

Registered: 07/05/05
Posts: 2134
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
handful, i can vouch for his income from performing. the man works at least 20 times a month. he makes over 100k easily.
My Clips 4 Sale Store

#268951 - 08/21/07 02:11 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
*L*G* Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America


Yes, I'm moving to Spain

You're going there to get 'pegged' by Nacho, aren't you. If you ask him nicely maybe he will wear his special workout gloves for you.

or maybe he have a spanish gay sugar daddy who going to marry him(gay marriages are legal in spain)

#268952 - 08/21/07 02:13 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
*L*G* Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America

And people gave me shit for *my* long posts?

See you at AVN this January, F. Steve Fitzgerald. I assume SexZ Pictures is content with knowing you've invited everyone with your challenges of physical violence here to kick your ass at *their* booth, while you're signing for *their* company?

Its been fun!

kurt can be a gay psycho egomaniac ect ect but i bet if you challenge him to a fight he's going to kick your ass, nothing personal stevie, but if you want publicity try other stunt

#268953 - 08/21/07 02:13 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Handful Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 05/08/07
Posts: 1681

handful, i can vouch for his income from performing. the man works at least 20 times a month. he makes over 100k easily.

Is the IRS aware of this fact? I'm just thinking of what almost happened to Tom Byron a few years back.
There's not a woman alive who has not wanted to be treated like a whore. It's in their genes.

#268954 - 08/21/07 02:20 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Stevie Why Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 05/16/07
Posts: 988
Loc: Sun Diego

kurt can be a gay psycho egomaniac ect ect but i bet if you challenge him to a fight he's going to kick your ass, nothing personal stevie, but if you want publicity try other stunt

Sorry Chico, but I did challenge him to a nice charity boxing match and he declined. He's only 5'8 from what I took in person seeing him so I think it would be even. He doesn't have to worry about me; its everyone else who he challenged (as he's not worth going to jail over, for me at least).

Sorry, when I get publicity its from the "mainstream" world; no one gives a shit about him besides a few thousand (at most) people in the porn world hence its not worth my time with other projects in the works.
"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"

#268955 - 08/21/07 02:23 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
Damn it, all that writing and he didn't mention me once
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#268956 - 08/21/07 02:28 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
christianxxx Offline

Registered: 07/05/05
Posts: 2134
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
cmon man, porn is a different ballgame now. 95 percent of our income is from checks and payroll. the cash under the table stuff is a thing of the past.
My Clips 4 Sale Store

#268957 - 08/21/07 02:30 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
gia jordan Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC


handful, i can vouch for his income from performing. the man works at least 20 times a month. he makes over 100k easily.

Is the IRS aware of this fact? I'm just thinking of what almost happened to Tom Byron a few years back.

I know for a fact Kurt pays taxes.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K

#268958 - 08/21/07 02:31 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
vanessa Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 04/03/07
Posts: 786
Loc: on the dark side of the moon

"Sorry, when I get publicity its from the "mainstream" world." - Stevie Why

257703-photo86.jpg (7 downloads)

#268959 - 08/21/07 02:35 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Stevie Why Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 05/16/07
Posts: 988
Loc: Sun Diego

"Sorry, when I get publicity its from the "mainstream" world." - Stevie Why

I know, I love posting two year old pics of myself so everyone thinks I' a big fat bloated pasty fuck. Leads to the whole persona.

But I still *have* my penis.
"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"

#268960 - 08/21/07 02:35 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Smartt Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 5869
Loc: Instead of looking at the girl...
...the fuck?

257707-210807olho_f_004.jpg (64 downloads)

#268961 - 08/21/07 02:47 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
MoronBoy Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 07/30/06
Posts: 1712
Loc: at the end of the longest line

I know for a fact Kurt pays taxes.

For some reason when I read this, I pictured a bunch of porn stars sitting in the lobby of some "Porn Accountant"'s office.

Is their an accountant out their who specializes in handling porn people's taxes? How long before he starts posting here? And how long after that is it before the fake accountants start coming out of the woodwork?

#268962 - 08/21/07 03:03 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Handful Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 05/08/07
Posts: 1681

cmon man, porn is a different ballgame now. 95 percent of our income is from checks and payroll. the cash under the table stuff is a thing of the past.

Hey, I was just askin, that's all. Besides -- it's not how much you earn, it's how much you save.
There's not a woman alive who has not wanted to be treated like a whore. It's in their genes.

#268963 - 08/21/07 03:17 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
nvdia Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 07/26/07
Posts: 19
Kurt, we all have seen how you have beaten up every single hater on this board with your intelligence.
They will keep sinking while you keep raising higher and higher.
Your life is like the best dream they would ever have and from which they would never wish to wake up.
My best wishes to you and your new life. You deserve that and better.

#268964 - 08/21/07 03:38 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Handful Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 05/08/07
Posts: 1681

Kurt, we all have seen how you have beaten up every single hater on this board with your intelligence.
They will keep sinking while you keep raising higher and higher.
Your life is like the best dream they would ever have and from which they would never wish to wake up.
My best wishes to you and your new life. You deserve that and better.

You can go fuck yourself, too.
There's not a woman alive who has not wanted to be treated like a whore. It's in their genes.

#268965 - 08/21/07 03:52 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
nvdia Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 07/26/07
Posts: 19

#268966 - 08/21/07 05:16 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
I am such a believer in Karma, and I would NOT be caught within 500 feet of this man for the next year....something horrible is going to happen to him.

Someone who knows me (like Gia) should tell him that I actually can stand and walk when i have to...otherwise i am figuring he is going to be on a porn set one day, and some lube will have spilt on the floor, and as he is walking across the set to assume the position while <fill in porn whore here> gets ready to plow his ass, he SLIPS on the spilled lube and falls and breaks his back and is paralyzed ala Christopher reeve. Then, in poetic Justice, i run into him a year later at the annual crippled perverts convention, and I put a clapper on his electric wheelchair and have myself a ball....

Are you gonna eat that?

#268967 - 08/21/07 05:29 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Dick Head Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 01/18/06
Posts: 505
Hey Gia, next time you talk to kurt can you tell him I'm SO jealous of his awesome life.


#268968 - 08/21/07 06:27 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
jezebeldahl Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 02/25/06
Posts: 1
Loc: Hell
Good luck!

#268969 - 08/21/07 06:40 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Sergio T. Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 07/20/03
Posts: 5256
Loc: CSW Wrestling - Gracie Academy


kurt can be a gay psycho egomaniac ect ect but i bet if you challenge him to a fight he's going to kick your ass, nothing personal stevie, but if you want publicity try other stunt

Sorry Chico, but I did challenge him to a nice charity boxing match and he declined. He's only 5'8 from what I took in person seeing him so I think it would be even. He doesn't have to worry about me; its everyone else who he challenged (as he's not worth going to jail over, for me at least).

You goofed Stevie. Its El G, not Chico.

#268970 - 08/21/07 06:59 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Walrus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 11/19/06
Posts: 310

I am such a believer in Karma, and I would NOT be caught within 500 feet of this man for the next year....something horrible is going to happen to him.

Someone who knows me (like Gia) should tell him that I actually can stand and walk when i have to...otherwise i am figuring he is going to be on a porn set one day, and some lube will have spilt on the floor, and as he is walking across the set to assume the position while <fill in porn whore here> gets ready to plow his ass, he SLIPS on the spilled lube and falls and breaks his back and is paralyzed ala Christopher reeve. Then, in poetic Justice, i run into him a year later at the annual crippled perverts convention, and I put a clapper on his electric wheelchair and have myself a ball....

Burg, do they make "wheelchair boots" that they can slap on the wheels? You know, in case he stops making payments.

#268971 - 08/21/07 07:21 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
skillionaire Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 07/29/06
Posts: 17
fuckin HATERS, enjoy the rest of your pathetic lives while Kurt continues going TO DODGER GAMES ON WEEKDAYS.

#268972 - 08/21/07 07:26 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Dick Dastardly Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470

1. I came in here, not expecting much and and I wasn't wrong. This place is a horrible waste of time.

It was so much a waste of time that 10 days into your stay, you have nearly 400 posts. Sounds like wasted time to me, also sounds like you need a life.


fuckin HATERS, enjoy the rest of your pathetic lives while Kurt continues going TO DODGER GAMES ON WEEKDAYS.

The Dodgers suck, big deal. If I wanted to watch my favorite pro team play ANY DAY OF THE WEEK, I could set my (two) off days each to do so, too. So, your point is Kurt Alt-ID #4?
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron

#268973 - 08/21/07 07:38 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
Max Rhino Offline
Straight For Pay

Registered: 05/09/06
Posts: 930
Loc: Doony's Tiki Boat
As someone who has sat on the sideline and observed the flame war, well I should say laughed at its uselessness more than observed, I would have to vote for Kurt ending as the loser. Here is why: he repeatedly claimed victory when anyone would sensor his diatribes. Yet, he posts a rambling goodbye to never post again thus passively-aggressively censoring all those who would reply.

Both actions (deleting Kurt’s posts and Kurt’s final diatribe) are very chicken shit behaviors. But the difference is that Kurt called out the former, and then did the latter which makes him a hypocrite. Therefore he lost because he ran away from the fight after calling out the fighters.

And let us not forget he gets off by having people shove things in his ass. That made him dead upon his arrival, having lost all superiority battles before they even started. What a complete fag.
[AWOP troll]^Chicken shit un-American hippie faggot! ^ [/AWOP troll] -- charin

#268974 - 08/21/07 08:31 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
ericgcorbin Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 05/12/07
Posts: 16



handful, i can vouch for his income from performing. the man works at least 20 times a month. he makes over 100k easily.

Is the IRS aware of this fact? I'm just thinking of what almost happened to Tom Byron a few years back.

I know for a fact Kurt pays taxes.

...interesting....after 2 years of research, and failing to find a statute that makes a citizen working the private sector liable, I stopped a while back...
"this dump look like a place chico travieso would frequent looking to find niggas to wrassle in the back alley." - The Great White GUAPO

#268975 - 08/21/07 08:41 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
ericgcorbin Offline
ADT regular

Registered: 05/12/07
Posts: 16

As someone who has sat on the sideline and observed the flame war, well I should say laughed at its uselessness more than observed, I would have to vote for Kurt ending as the loser. Here is why: he repeatedly claimed victory when anyone would sensor his diatribes. Yet, he posts a rambling goodbye to never post again thus passively-aggressively censoring all those who would reply.

Both actions (deleting Kurt’s posts and Kurt’s final diatribe) are very chicken shit behaviors. But the difference is that Kurt called out the former, and then did the latter which makes him a hypocrite. Therefore he lost because he ran away from the fight after calling out the fighters.

And let us not forget he gets off by having people shove things in his ass. That made him dead upon his arrival, having lost all superiority battles before they even started. What a complete fag.

...sounds a bit like the president, doesn't it?
"this dump look like a place chico travieso would frequent looking to find niggas to wrassle in the back alley." - The Great White GUAPO

#268976 - 08/21/07 09:34 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
warp_speed Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 07/31/07
Posts: 817

edit: crappy fucking pos interface.
WARP SPEED (you better believe it)

#268977 - 08/21/07 09:43 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
papercut Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 10/04/06
Posts: 522
my good deed for the day

Gigi, it's like you're putting a rainbow in all of our hearts... - faggypatty

#268978 - 08/21/07 09:58 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
BIFF™ Offline
Sex Slave Trader

Registered: 11/14/04
Posts: 1460
Loc: Down there

Yes, I'm moving to Spain. I've made an investment that is paying off for me in ways that I may never have to work in porn again.

Translation: He's moving to Brazil to do tranny films with John T. Bone and Nacho.


my good deed for the day

You have to attach it here. Most upload sites don't like linking to porn boards.
I like me some Gia'd Jerkins.

#268979 - 08/21/07 10:03 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days

I've made an investment that is paying off for me in ways that I may never have to work in porn again.

Dear God, please be true.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey

#268980 - 08/21/07 10:12 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
*L*G* Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America

"Sorry, when I get publicity its from the "mainstream" world." - Stevie Why

he have more tits than sierra sinn

#268981 - 08/21/07 10:12 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
warp_speed Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 07/31/07
Posts: 817

You have to attach it here. Most upload sites don't like linking to porn boards.

I can't, it's too big.
WARP SPEED (you better believe it)

#268982 - 08/21/07 10:22 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
papercut Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 10/04/06
Posts: 522
damn, those motherfuckers red x'ed it. warp speed, create a photobucket account and then post it. it wasn't obscene so photobucket won't red x it on you.
Gigi, it's like you're putting a rainbow in all of our hearts... - faggypatty

#268983 - 08/21/07 10:25 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
John Floofin Offline
Porn Icon

Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480

damn, those motherfuckers red x'ed it. warp speed, create a photobucket account and then post it. it wasn't obscene so photobucket won't red x it on you.

Yeah Warp, then change your avatar to something better.

#268984 - 08/21/07 10:25 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
papercut Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 10/04/06
Posts: 522
after searching, it's already on photobucket anyway

Gigi, it's like you're putting a rainbow in all of our hearts... - faggypatty

#268985 - 08/21/07 10:35 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
warp_speed Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 07/31/07
Posts: 817

after searching, it's already on photobucket anyway

Thanks dude.
WARP SPEED (you better believe it)

#268986 - 08/21/07 11:04 PM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
gia jordan Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
Honestly, this thread is the epilogue of the most boring flamewar ever. Then we get nude Stevie Y pics to top it off? It this were a pop-up book, I would've mistaken dude's peen for a lightswitch.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K

#268987 - 08/22/07 12:25 AM Re: XPT R.I.P.- So long, dear friends...
BIFF™ Offline
Sex Slave Trader

Registered: 11/14/04
Posts: 1460
Loc: Down there

I can't, it's too big.

Sounds like a personal problem.

Seriously, www.keepmyfile.com isn't too bad either.
I like me some Gia'd Jerkins.

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