
You lost me right here: "Being a Porn Star is one of the dream jobs of our time...."

lol... I'm glad I didn't lose you before that.


What you don't realize is that's not one of the dreams of our times.

I don't mean a "dream" in the sense that it's something easy or something that doesn't have it's dark sides. We know about the trainwrecks and dead people and the price tag that comes with porn.

I wonder how many porn performers look at their career and feel proud of it. Why shouldn't they feel proud, if it's something they loved doing?

Starting a second career is tough but people do it all the time. Hopefully most will succeed at it. Veterans have to do it. Factory workers who get laid off have to do it. Transsexuals who get fired from their jobs have to do it.

But I don't know what Stevie Y will do, his case is really screwed up. He's dreaming of some sort of hybrid success in both porn and mainstream... hey if he manages, more power to him. People have different "dreams".