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#268303 - 08/17/07 07:52 PM Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Sunday
weeeee Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 01/09/06
Posts: 1248
False Flag Terror Operation in Portland next week?


August 13, 2007 — Portland, Oregon
Portland to Host Terrorism Drill "NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2" Aug. 20 to 24
Citizens Warn of Established Pattern for Such Drills to go "live"

This is an urgent advisory notice from concerned citizens of Oregon and Washington about an upcoming U.S. Joint Forces Command emergency management exercise known as NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 that will simulate terrorism or disaster scenarios in the Lower Columbia River Basin between Aug. 20th and Aug 24th, 2007.

NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 was designed and will be directed by U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) and the Department of Homeland Security. We are aware of no public notice concerning this exercise, but preliminary investigation has revealed that Oregon National Guard officials and federal officials will conduct the drill. Details from official sources are minimal.

This advisory is to document our concerns, raise public awareness and urge citizen action based on the following facts:

1. NOBLE RESOLVE is a computer-based simulation of a large-scale emergency situation (e.g. earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, or terrorist attack with nuclear weapon) in order to train for managing all aspects of the emergency response through comprehensive software.

2. Military exercises such as NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 have a recent history of coinciding with lethal "live" events. This occurred both at the start of Desert Storm in 1990 and on 9/11/01 when five or more major military or security exercises were in progress on the very day of the actual attacks. The same phenomenon occurred with the London Bombings of 7/7/05 during which a drill concerning multiple bomb attacks was being staged on that day.

3. Vice President Cheney, Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff and former Senator Rick Santorum have all warned of a new 9/11 attack this summer, but are giving no evidence in support. Chertoff based his prediction on a "gut feeling".

4. The May 2007 Presidential Directive NSPD 51 (HSPD 20) addressing "continuity of government" in the event of a massive emergency, includes secret "annexes" which are pertinent additional documents. Some US Congressional Committee on Homeland Security members such as Rep. Peter DeFazio have written to formally request permission to review these secret "annexes" and have twice been denied access by the White House.

5. This particular exercise, NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2, includes one scenario involving an unaccounted for, "loose," ten kiloton nuclear weapon, exactly as Vice President Cheney hinted in recent interviews. Department of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff claims he fears the same.

6. The plummeting support for the GOP has triggered comments from its members and analyses of its current political strategy that point to a new 9/11 attack as a contributing factor to GOP political salvation. Moreover, it appears that legends or back stories are being disseminated to support just such an event.

Transparency concerning NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 is vital for the public safety of everyone in the Lower Columbia River Basin. We call on the planners, directors and participants in NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 to be vigilant and to maintain transparency with respect to these military exercises. We also urge citizens and our elected officials to monitor the activities of participants connected with the exercises and alert authorities to any suspicious behavior. These exercises have an established pattern of becoming "live" events. (Please read references below.) We recommend that officials of the Ports of Astoria, Longview, Vancouver and Portland on the Lower Columbia River take extra care in their monitoring and examination of all shipping on the Lower Columbia River while NOBLE RESOLVE 07-2 is in progress. Finally, we urge all concerned to voice that concern in letters and calls to elected officials and civil servants requesting full transparency and citizen oversight.


Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke
By Captain Eric H. May - Special Military Correspondent
July 30, 2007

"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right."
Congressman Peter DeFazio, 7/20/07

False Flags

About a quarter hour into my half hour interview with her Wednesday, Penny Dodge, chief of staff for Oregon's Congressman Peter DeFazio, asked me what a "false flag" attack was. I explained it in a few words.

A false flag attack is one in which you attack your own people, then blame it on a group of people you want to attack. It's a radical stratagem for instantly creating hatred, and it's common, historically speaking, all the way from ancient to modern times. For example:

The Roman Emperor Nero burned Rome, then blamed it on emerging Christianity.
The German Fuhrer Hitler burned the Reichstag, then blamed it on communist Jewry.
The American President Bush demolished the World Trade Center, then blamed it on radical Islam.
At present, "false flag" is a highly relevant term, as Ms. Dodge and her boss Rep. DeFazio have learned from their constituents back home in Oregon. Folks in the Pacific Northwest, especially around Portland, believe that they may be the victims of a false flag attack by the Bush Administration under cover of an upcoming government terror exercise, Operation Noble Resolve.

Atomic August

As I pointed out in my column last week, Next 9/11, Summer 2007?, Operation Noble Resolve, to be conducted in August, will involve extensive mobilization of Homeland Security and U.S. military forces to simulate a wide range of catastrophic terror events in Oregon. The grand finale will be the simulation of a ten kiloton atomic bomb in Portland.

But what if they decide to use a real bomb rather than simulate it?

No doubt 99 percent of the participants in Noble Resolve believe it is a mere readiness exercise, but what if one percent -- inserted by Bush cronies -- believe it is the perfect cover for setting off a real nuke? This is, after all, what happened on 9/11/01, when U.S. military commands were simulating terror airline strikes on U.S. skyscrapers -- which is exactly what happened. It's also what happened on 7/7/05, when London police were simulating terror subway strikes -- which is exactly what happened. The criminal one percent effectively hijacked those exercises while the 99 percent of honest participants were as shocked as the general public, and simply carried on with the scenario they had been practicing, which had now become "live."

When the horrific events that government exercises are supposed to be practicing against turn out to be the exact events that occur, then it is insanity to continue to put blind faith in the motives of the government. On the other hand, it is highest sanity to document, organize, and protest against a possible false flag attack, as the constituents and congressional folk of Oregon are now doing.

Prayers for Portland

An effective grassroots movement is growing in Oregon, and it has pushed Congressman DeFazio in the right direction. Early summer anxiety by his constituents concerned him little, as he then issued assurances that all was on the level with pending federal terror exercises, and the recently enacted National Security Presidential Directive 51, which allows Bush to establish a dictatorship if there is a catastrophic natural event or terror attack.

DeFazio's assurances didn't convince his constituents, though, and soon they didn't even convince him. Just to make sure that everything was on the level with NSPD-51, he asked to see the secret annexes of the document_ This was his right as a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, and in his 20 years in Congress he had never been refused access to classified documents.

There's a first time for everything, though. After initially granting DeFazio permission to check into NSPD-51, the White House reversed itself on 7/18/07, and refused to let him take a look. Friday, DeFazio, along with House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bernie Thompson and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Chris Carney, sent a letter to the White House. In it, they demand the access so far denied DeFazio -- or a written explanation as to why access has been refused -- by Thursday. This is the day before Congress -- and Congressman DeFazio -- recess and return to their home districts to answer emphatic questions.

Portland has more than a prayer if it and the rest of Oregon keep up the pressure on their local, state and national leaders. At this stage of the Bush regime and its terror-driven global war, there's no shame in conspiracy theory, since it's the only theory that offers consistent, coherent answers to our growing secret government and its terror policies.

Captain May is the leader of Ghost Troop, a cyber intelligence unit comprised of military, police and government veterans, along with citizen activists. His 7/24/07 interview on the topic with Dr. Kevin Barrett is available on line here .


Hold me gunker

#268304 - 08/17/07 08:18 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
Gunker Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland

False Flag Terror Operation in Portland next week?
* * *
Hold me gunker

I'm constructing my sexy tin hat now.

The Cons have always had a thing about Portland...

"Since the late 1960s, Portland has turned a cold shoulder towards military actions, especially when a Republican Commander in Chief is involved. The city served as an epicenter for protests during Vietnam. When Dan Quayle visited the city during Desert Storm, several Reed College students greeted him at the downtown Hilton with a barrage of red, white and blue vomit. A quick stop by GW Bush in 2002 resulted in clashes between police and protesters, during which a small child and a local camera crew were maced. A running joke among conservative administrations since the Reagan-era has dubbed the city "Little Beirut.""

"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.

#268305 - 08/17/07 11:21 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Sunday
poobah9 Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 06/15/07
Posts: 55
Loc: My mouth on the dew of her thi...
Thanks, Ceara.
That was very informative, as was the radio file.
"We love the feel of fire, the way it burns, ooh we love to feel it all around us, until all we can do is, breathe and fuck, breathe and fuck . . . ."

#268306 - 08/18/07 05:54 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Sunday
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
Well fuck visiting Portland anytime soon....How many Niteflirt spooge shows would you need to sell Ceara to afford to fly to Seattle and meet me for Coffee at the B&O Espresso on the corner of Belmont and Olive??? I suppose I could just give you your AEE/AVN bonus early this year, but you may not want anything to do with me after being "owned" by Lockwood and having porn whores go "Ewwww" and run away at the thought of me paying them to just go shopping with me and play Shuffle board with a bunch of cerebral palsy and cancer vics....
Are you gonna eat that?

#268307 - 08/18/07 07:31 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
Don't use the Weekly world news as a primary source
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#268308 - 08/18/07 07:33 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su

With all due respct to the Portland contingent, I don't buy it. I saw 9/11 up close and personal, and as much as I hate Bush & co. (and am prepared to believe the worst of them) there's no way those morons pulled off 9/11 and blamed it on the Arabs.

Besides, and again, no offense to your city, Portland's not exactly the kind of place they would pull a repeat even if it were true. Now L.A. (Hollywood, Porn Valley) or Chicago, yeah. But Portland? Too small to make a dramatic impact. Just my 2 cents.

#268309 - 08/18/07 11:28 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
vanessa Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 04/03/07
Posts: 786
Loc: on the dark side of the moon
Reminding smaller cities that they too could be targets of terrorist attacks, real or imagined, would be enough to cause a jerk-reflex of fear across the country.

Why pick the peaceful and leisurely city of Portland for a drill? Because it's a breeding ground for domestic terrorism. The town is full of Bush hating left-wingers with green hair who don't support our administration, don't support the troops, people who eat organic, abort their children, build their own electric cars and use public transportation and stage "Save the Earth" and "End the War" protests on the streets like Democracy was some kind of circus. Rainbows everywhere by the way. Flag burners.

It's clearly the most logical place where we would expect the next major terrorist attack, maybe from a new breed of home-grown domestic terrorists. Or isn't it? After all - if the article is true - they did pick it for a drill.

Regarding the official version of the events on 9/11, I'm not sure how anyone can be completely free of doubts about what happened, after having a look at some of the indisputable facts of that day. Maybe it's because the implications of going there are too far-reaching. We may never know what happened, but we know what didn't happen.

Opinions aside, Jim, I'd really be interested to hear your comments on the points discussed in this documentary. Maybe, when you have time.

The right-wingers are morons? I'm not one of them, because they don't represent my interests, but if there is anything I know it's that they are NOT morons when it comes to pursuing their interests. Left-wingers look like a bunch of disorganized morons by comparison.

#268310 - 08/18/07 12:37 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su

I don't think they're morons. Far from it. Some of them are very, very intelligent (not Bush, personally, but some of his people.) I just think that there's no way they could have pulled it off and kept it covered up. It's not as simple as, say, assassinating the Kennedys. And even if they could have pulled it off, they wouldn't have done it in the heart of world capitalism. That's too important to their interests. Again, L.A. would have been a more appropriate target, if they were so inclined.

As for the green haired folks reminding us we still have a Constitution? I don't really think they enter the administration's calculus. To the Roves and the Cheneys, those folks are nothing more than an a nuisence, an annoyance to be tollerated every now and again when the WTO rolls into town. Nothing more.

I'll check out the vid later.

#268311 - 08/18/07 01:14 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Sunday
gia jordan Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC

Well fuck visiting Portland anytime soon....How many Niteflirt spooge shows would you need to sell Ceara to afford to fly to Seattle and meet me for Coffee at the B&O Espresso on the corner of Belmont and Olive???

The Egyptian lentil soup at the b&o is to die for!!!! Wow, I used to live a few blocks north of that joint twds volunteer park. Ah, the memories of the mid-90s in seattle and having zero responsibilty.

Ceara, I'll keep you safe from terrorists. Just come down to l.a. and I'll make you a star.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K

#268312 - 08/18/07 02:56 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Sunday
poobah9 Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 06/15/07
Posts: 55
Loc: My mouth on the dew of her thi...


Ceara, I'll keep you safe from terrorists. Just come down to l.a. and I'll make you a star.

Why, Gia, It almost sounds like you're hitting on that pretty young lady.
"We love the feel of fire, the way it burns, ooh we love to feel it all around us, until all we can do is, breathe and fuck, breathe and fuck . . . ."

#268313 - 08/18/07 05:59 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
Gunker Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland

Why pick the peaceful and leisurely city of Portland for a drill? Because it's a breeding ground for domestic terrorism. The town is full of Bush hating left-wingers with green hair who don't support our administration, don't support the troops, people who eat organic, abort their children, build their own electric cars and use public transportation and stage "Save the Earth" and "End the War" protests on the streets like Democracy was some kind of circus. Rainbows everywhere by the way. Flag burners.

Substitute "don't support the troops" with "jam-packed with strip clubs*" and you've got it.

"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.

#268314 - 08/18/07 06:42 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
weeeee Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 01/09/06
Posts: 1248

Substitute "don't support the troops" with "jam-packed with strip clubs*" and you've got it.


More titty bars per capita than any other city

Not to mention the run down yet active porno theatres, smut shops, jerk off boothes equipped with glory holes and vouyer windows, several gay and lesbian bars, the gay bathhouse, s&m clubs, and of course Ace of Hearts. We are all shameless perverts who deserve to be bombed

#268315 - 08/18/07 07:18 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
Gunker Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland

and of course Ace of Hearts.

39th Avenue in the house!!!

256890-ace.jpg (3 downloads)

"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.

#268316 - 08/18/07 07:31 PM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su

You two make it sound like times Square back in the good old days. Must pay a visit sometime.

#268317 - 08/19/07 11:29 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
vanessa Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 04/03/07
Posts: 786
Loc: on the dark side of the moon

Omg, I can't believe it. It's live on Fox now.

256990-live.gif (3 downloads)

#268318 - 08/22/07 12:24 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
ranathan Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/02/07
Posts: 705
bump for the real end of the world http://www.jsmineset.com/cwsimages/Miscfiles/5087_Unprecedented2.pdf

p.s. it really is to bad that portland still is around

#268319 - 08/22/07 12:32 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
gia jordan Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
Too bad I can't call in sick Aug 23rd.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K

#268320 - 08/22/07 07:30 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
JRV Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA

Reminding smaller cities that they too could be targets of terrorist attacks, real or imagined, would be enough to cause a jerk-reflex of fear across the country.

It would also be a way to shore up budget support in when Congress begins to view DHS as a fat target for cuts. Many DHS actions make sense when viewed as attempts to retain funding and avoid being dismantled. Along with ordinary bureaucratic CYA.


Regarding the official version of the events on 9/11, I'm not sure how anyone can be completely free of doubts about what happened, after having a look at some of the indisputable facts of that day.

Well, yes, that's why nobody seriously buys the conspiracy theories. There are a few Area 51 conspiracy kooks who see Someone behind the fact that the sun rises in the east instead of the west, but the attacks themselves don't seem particularly hard to analyze in hindsight.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock

#268321 - 08/22/07 08:11 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su

While we're all worrying about plots against cities that won't be attacked, let's remeber that the aftermath of the only real terrorist attack on American soil is still killing New York's Bravest.

2 Firefighters Are Killed in Blaze at Ground Zero

Two firefighters were killed yesterday battling a blaze in the Deutsche Bank skyscraper, a vacant relic of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack that was in the process of being dismantled.

The firefighters were among hundreds who poured into ground zero all afternoon to fight the high-rise fire, which was finally brought under control after seven hours. At least five others were hospitalized, but were expected to recover.

The building, at 130 Liberty Street, had stood as a ghost since parts of the twin towers crashed into it, leaving it severely damaged and filled with toxic debris, including asbestos, dioxin, lead and chromium. For residents nearby, the acrid smoke brought back memories of the grim dust clouds that lingered after the attacks. FULL ARTICLE.

#268322 - 08/24/07 12:13 AM Re: Alleged terrorist plot in Portland starting Su
moxxie maddron Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 09/18/06
Posts: 220
You can go stay at my place Ceara.. I live about 100 miles south of you.. I wont be home till the beginning of September. You and your bunnies can have the house to yourself. There is cable internet waiting for you there too!!
"Do it Dirty, or Don't Bother!!"

#268323 - 09/02/07 07:42 AM Gullible, Gullible, Gullible...

WOW. Portland's still standing. Imagine my surprise.

Maybe now we can focus on the real terrorist threat in this country:

WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 — Two Egyptian men who are students at the University of South Florida were indicted Friday on federal charges of transporting explosives across state lines, with one of the men accused of offering explosives training with the intent of carrying out violence. NY TIMES Article

#268324 - 09/03/07 05:38 PM Re: Gullible, Gullible, Gullible...
weeeee Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 01/09/06
Posts: 1248
Yeah, cuz nothing says I'm convinced my city is going to blow up like calling it an "alleged" plot and hanging out in town anyway.


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