
If you are asking about porn budgets in general, well they spent wayyy more than that on PIRATES and it made money. And if you are asking why 50K on me specifically, well, then I must defend with the fact that my latest (9th) directorial effort, THE REAL BOOGIE NIGHTS is currently at #15 on the AVN Charts and is making money (and can be purchased right now at www.sexz.com) so obviously the return ON investment is there.

[ed: Kurt, shut up about the real name crap. I cut you some slack on that...if you want me to undo it, and post it along with your address, DOB and phone number, just let me know.]

You really WOULD, wouldn't you, douchebag. Go ahead and do it faggot, show everyone in porn that you post porn stars private info and see what backlash you get. Of course, you are wayyyy too chickenshit to EVER post YOUR info, right, Willie D.ouchebag?