Porn from A female prospective.......
Back in the day I LOVED ANABOLIC....I was a fan when Eric, Lex and the others were there. After they left I no longer enjoyed their product and it was then that I brodened my allegance to other companies
over all the flick was pretty good.....I think Tony T spent too much useless time talking to the male talent who didn't do much more than introduce to the girl.....(suggestion...if you must have the male talent introduce the girl.....have her sitting there instead of the whole grand entrance thing).....oh..and edit out the scenes when the male talent was having obvious wood problems...
scene 1....
this "way too heavy" for mainstream porn chick called Pinky...I know the camera adds about 10lbs but if you take it away...she was still larger than I prefer to see (some will disagree but most wont).....not only was her weight very distracting from the overall sex...her hair was this ultra ghetto red with brown roots.....

at this point I almost ejected the disk but stuck it out knowing (hoping) it would get better....however a good note...for a brief looked like Rico put a serious hurt on her..(briefly)
science 2....Vanessa Monet....a much hotter chick...with crocked teeth and glasses...she was that naught librarian HOT .....I was more than pleased after the previous female....She sucked an inspiring dick.

....(my bf was happy I enjoyed this scene)....this scene was mostly anal and hell...I wasn't mad about it...she took it RCG IN THE ASS...(I gotta learn to do that)...she can enter my porn collection anytime...
Scene 3......Classidy Clay....very attractive and a wonderful almost perfect set of tits.

..(a brief moment of tit envy)...unfortunately the scene starts with some wood issues....she seemed to actually be a wonderful faker as her scene didn't move me in the least

....except for the end when the cum shot went right into her eye.....the dialogue afterwards telling her she has to keep it there for pictures made me literally laugh out loud....
scene 4.....Tia Sweet....THIS WAS PRIME WHORE....I mean this chick can go far....HOUSTON...WE HAVE A DP....we start off with wood problems again....but she definitely made me think she needed at least one more dick to be truly happy....that or the guys didn't bring out her best...
scene 5.......Sandi Jackman...HORRIBLE TIT JOB....I mean nipples pointing in two totally different directions....BAD TITS + NO ANAL = BAD SCENE...on the plus had some erotic ass kissing...(not that I watch porn for the kissing)
scene 6............Chyanne Jacobs....I laughed at the opening and immediately thought of the cheap jewelry thread...this chick had a beautiful thick ass....I mean a thick not fat ass....yes we had some anal....a more than decent scene......however the best was after the scene Ivan finds a piece of her hair weave on the floor and returns it to her....her comments "That what happens when you fuck sweat a lot and lose your weave"
all in all it was good....wasn't inspired to rub one out but was inspired to suck a good dick so I guess it was well done...I hated the first scene but I must admit...regardless of the size you like your whores...this disk had at least one whore for you.....I am all about variety and would recommend this video....however I will be returning it and not adding it to my collection...but if they do this video again...I won't hesitate to rent it....
who knows..this may be the line that brings me back to Anabolic..