





Off to the gym and then it's off to the Naughty America set where I am working with Lake Russel. Btw, I told you all that I have been getting PM's and e-mails of support. Without divulging indentities, I thought I'd share one that I received for your perusal. I'll be back on later this afternoon.

Hey I just wanted to let you know that you are dealing with a special class of loser on here.I found this site, I knew then I wasn't dealing with people that are right in the head.Some people are just fucking jealous,I can't stand it.That's why they sit in there mom's house typing this hate.I don't know about the porn world,I don't even know who you are(I've probably seen you just didn't know it).But I have experience with this type of shit.My friends are some of the top fighters in the UFC,King Of The Cage,Pride,The shit people post about them in the mma forums.These are people that wouldn't get in the cage for nothing and have no balls.Internet tough guys,but would shit there pants if they were to run into any of them.I just wanted to say I'm with ya bro,and don't sweat the mother fuckers.There are people that do and people who fucking write about.If you like UFC and the other organizations fights,let me know I could get you a behind the scene look and introduce you to the fighters.We like to party are selves.Last UFC we went back to Shaq penthouse suite and partied with a bunch of celebs. I also sent this to you in a pm I didn't know if you read those things...

Peace bro

You should probably bring condoms...

Dude, to infer that the pro fighters mentioned engage in homosexual behavior... Well, you better hope none of THEM figure out who you are... Dead man walkin...

That sounds like a death threat.

Not from me. I'm not one of those fighters. BUT if they read it, like I'm sure they will, and they can figure out who that fag is, he's gonna have to answer to them...

Haha, do you seriously believe that garbage you spew? Do you think Chuck Lidell would go out of his way to find and kill someone who called him a fag on a fucking internet messageboard??

You're scared now aren't you? You idiot, you read the letter to me. Obviously, there are pro fighter guys on this board. What a dipshit you are.