
My 2 cents:

How many performers and industry insiders besides Darth (jk) are actively posting on this board? Probably not as many as there could be. But they are the ones who keep the real dirt/news/porn coming and make this site interesting.

That's a good reason to welcome Kurt and any other performer who wants to post here.

It's great to read the comments the rest of us posts - us, the large majority, consumers, fans, non-insiders, hangers-on, posers, ex-porners, whatever you want to call that group - and it's interesting to "share" our "opinions" and "discuss" issues xpt style, but in the end it gets repetitive and boring if it degenerates into an endless clash of egos.

Xpt is not a fanboy site and it's not a place for successful self-promotion. If you are an industry insider and you register here with your real professional name you're not going to have much fun gossiping because more often then not you won't be able to write what you really know or think - unless you don't care about your career.

Female attention whores will do fine here if they are attractive and post some of their nude pictures. Male attention whores... well... might do well as long as they don't post their pictures and as long as they don't talk too much about themselves.

Sexist, isn't it?

Sigh. You totally miss the point. If you come here for "dirt," fuck you. We, porn stars are real people with real emotions we should have a right just like each one of you to go thru our personal shit without you losers examining it fifteen thousand ways and judging us, we are not REAL celebrities, go follow the millionaires if that's your deal. The irony here is that none of you anonymous hating s.o.b.'s could stand for ONE SECOND the scrutiny that you put everyone else thru. That's why you pussy out and hide behind anonymous nicknames on the internet and post no pics of yourselves. Gutless bigmouth turds, the lot o' you. And Venessa, as someone of Transexual sexuality, you should know better than anyone about contributing to judgmental shit talking.