

If you don't hate him then why don't you save you nickel and do something better with you life then try everything you can to cut down someone that you don't even know beside what you have read on this site and we all know that everything on this site is all the turth the whole truth and nothing but the truth....

Kitty, I'm not the one saying he blows johns for money, currently works the streets to make ends meet, went to jail recently (he admits to going to jail but Luke can look that one up), or any of the other "jousts" tossed his way. He wants to think he is untouchable and can do anything he wants without people commenting but that's not how it works. I'm curious if you're a strict apologist as a few of you seem to be in the thread, are willing to look past the "but he's my buddy" attitude that is about as responsible as handing an inmate a loaded gun, or truly have an open mind. I posted direct quotes from emails he sent me (he did not deny them, remember?) that are pretty revealing as to his personality. I have a lot more too as he sent them to me and continually responds in this thread to everything I write, regardless of who it is directed to. Here's a hint for the feeble minded; that makes him the stalker without a life.

As far as doing something better with my life, I could ask you the same question. I don't post here that often, preferring to chose topics of interest to me, Kurt's recent tantrums definitely making the grade since I have experience with him beyond what a kiss ass fangirl might have. You can also ask the nice folks at Sex Z Pictures about my stance towards Kurt since I had a lengthy, ongoing dialog with them about the guy that THEY brought up, not I, in trying to help the nut before he made his dream of martyrdom occur.

Don... we need to talk.... I'm concerned about you... really. I mean, with a war going on, terrorism, etc. Why doesn't it occur to you that you are thinking about me wayyyy too much. It's creepy! Further, you are having a complete and utter meltdown here today with your multiple "Old Testament" length raving lunatic rants about me. Do I have to get a restraining order against you? I mean you are really fucking stalker material here. Tell me, did you ever jack off and write about it to impress Jodi Foster?