


Kurt, have you ever been performed in any gay or tranny movies?

No, but I have been offered $7000 for just one gay scene. I turned it down.

What is the reason for this? I thought you were bi? Is it about fears of future problems in the straight porno scene?

Where did you get that I was "bi"? Because I do strap on scenes and I like girls licking and playing with my ass? God, how are you guys are soooo conservative and fans of deviant pornography? Have you forgotten that this is the PORN INDUSTRY, The Sex Business? My sexuality is very advanced. I, therefore am not hindered by the societal conforms that most are. Therefore, anything between a man and a woman, no matter how kinky, is technically, NOT gay, Granted it may be the most homo thing you can do without being gay, but it is still NOT gay. What turns me on about it is how dirty it makes THE GIRL. People who understand this fetish get this immediately, those who don't never will and just run rampant with homophobia.