





If you don't care then don't respond. If you do, (Willie, Condy, Moron, et al.) then let's discourse.

I care therefore responding and just wanted to say that you are an amazing actor and an amazing person and its pretty sad when 99% of the people that post to this thread have never met you in public or interacted with you on a personal level and yet can make such harsh judgments....

Welcome to the internet, dipshit. If you don't like what people are saying, get the fuck out.

Same goes for you Megatron, dipshit. If you can't contribute to the discussion besides jabbing at others who ARE contributing the YOU GET THE FUCK OUT.

Kurt, it's pretty obvious that you have a higher opinion of your "intellect" than is justified. Contributing does not exclusively mean kissing your ass. Go get fucked by a tranny, dumbass.

Good to see that you're reverting to your old ways of all-caps, though. It's entertaining to see you get flustered. Perhaps next you could grace us with some of your poetry or maybe one of your dissertations on personality types?

Hey Megatron
Now this is what I expected from XPT. Thanks Meggie, for being so predictable. If you had any of the intelligence that you claim to possess you would see that I am NOT just responding to compliments but to those who ask legit questions as well. You clearly have nothing to add except very trite points from a very trite mind. I already posted some poetry. I'll leave the tranny fucking to your fantasies of me. And as for all caps, relax, it was half a sentence. Here's a full one. FUCK YOU.

You calling me trite. Do you not even sense the irony in that? So far, you've managed to keep up this retarded idea that Don is Bornyo, and you're going on with some weird persecution complex about how everybody's a hater or jealous. Personally, I don't have a problem with you, and don't recall having commented on you or about you in any thread since I've been here. My ire is mainly directed at fanboys and fangirls.

I think this thread's interesting and have to give you points for joining and starting a thread. However, you come across as petty and childish, and not in the amusing fashion Brandon Iron does. Frankly, you and Ryan take shit on here (and yourselves) way too fucking seriously.

BTW, post a limerick or haiku.