
Hey Kurt, thanks for taking the time to answer some questions. If you could only get assfucked with a strapon one more time for the rest of your life who would you want to perform the highly homosexual act with you? And what type of self medication do you do to convince yourself you're heterosexual? It must be pretty strong stuff. Thanks again.

Hey Papercut
See, here's where I say someting biting back to cross sword with sword, yet Tricia is waiting in the wings to call ME childish. Whatever. Well, I really like the way your mom does it, Papercut, so if she'll just let me piss on her face again afterwards (like last time) she could fill the bill, nicely. And I guess the medication that I take is pussy. I fuck lots and lots of pussy. The kinda pussy that you will only ever dream about. That keeps me straight. Sorry you can't use my "lots o' pussy cure: to cure your own homo tendencies, Papercut . Looks like it queer st. forever for you