You are so right but no matter what anyone says Kurt will never let it go.

After reading all the post and all the banter that has gone back and forth , I want to add something to this thread as well.


At first I did have some.. not alot, but some respect for you.. but as time went by and I saw how you have a total disregard for respecting others , to which I chose to speak my peace... so here goes...

Its funny how a man that was so very intimidated by me just because I had recently join the boards here on XPT and I was doing an interview with Kurt for DVD Talk, is now posting on the boards.

Quote; from an email from Kurt back in March 2007
" Hmmm. I'm a little gunshy with you considering your promotion of adultdvdtalk (who hates me) and your recent membership to xpt. I would love to do the interview I just don't want a hatchet job on me."

If you were so worried about the hatchet job that you assumed I would have done on you don't you think I would have done so already. Yet, I see that you take extreme pleasure in doing so to other. Aren't you the same person that said you don't pay attention to the negative comments that are being said about you and your films. One would have to ask why all of a sudden you decided to make an appearance on the XPT boards. Could the deafening silence that no one saw fit to bring new topics about you worry you? Or have your my space minions that have swore legion to you by drinking the tainted kool-aid that you have so often served come to XPT to make sure that your name is always floating around like other things we throw out and always float back up. Better yet does not being the center of attention bother you so much that you just had to stir the pot again a few times.
When I first spoke to Kurt on the phone he seemed rather pleasant at times. When I spoke to him of his confusion between ADT and DVDTalk, I was under the impression he understood. Which leads to my question : Why do you continue to claim that Bornoyo and Don are the same person. I too can vouch they are not the same person. Trust me when I say that I have spoken to Don many times over the course of a year and they are not the same person.
I gave you credit when you did your strap-on scene with Bella Donna and even went as far as writing a positive article about it. So now not everyone is against you persay its just you're that paranoid. In the years times that I have been reviewing and before you go on with your ranting about reviewers and their form of employment, I am a published Author, and have worked in retail for over 20 years now. As a performer, I find that you can use some fine tuning to your some what lack luster performances. I'm being very honest here and trust me I am not one to kiss anyones ass nor do I ever have any intentions too. As a director... well that I wont touch too much on because I stay away from your stuff.... I just find it too boring for my taste. I know you have been talking up The Real Boogie Nights a lot on your myspace and elsewhere, yet I saw the original and even found that to be boring.
What I have notice is that you are more of an attention whore than before. You aren't happy if your dragged in the mud and you aren't if its too quiet.. so how about finding a happy medium and say we all agree to disagree about you and your adult titles , and your directorial attributes.
You can have a field day with me after this , to which I don't care.There is nothing that can be said about me unlike you who tries to keep his life so private yet enjoys being in the middle of things.. kind of like the strap on titles you enjoy doing.. always in the middle of two woman..

May Your Dreams Be Wet and Wicked