Da Burglar didn't you see the HUGE banner above that particular topic stating that it wasn't true? Since he was verifiably in Los Angeles and not Baltimore at the time of the alleged incident, that thread should have died a quick death. Resurrecting it now only makes you look ignorant.

Those of you giving Kurt a fair shot – thank you. Willie D had said he's never met Kurt, never talked to him or interacted with him outside of this forum except for one brush with him at AEE. If those of you judging him had met him and didn’t like him that would be one thing, but you haven’t. Funny, that, since the majority seems to think he’s such a bad guy. Talk to him sometime one on one. I double dog dare you.

And on the subject of you, Willie D, I think it’s ironic that you called Kurt out about his dog Rudy, and puffed up a lot of nonsense about him being a bad pet owner and offered to take him. In fact you posted a MySpace Comment to Holly that you could not take the dog because you lived in a condo. Just like Kurt does. If you weren’t truthful about taking Rudy you had no business posting such to this forum.
