
"And this thing- well, only a facial? Did you know that if you take your finger and you rub your eye because it itches, and you get that slight sting from the salt, your eye bled. Your eye did microscopic bleeding. Imagine when a girl whose condom only gets a facial, and she rubs her eye. Goddamn right she rubbed her eye, it stung. It's a part of human nature. She just got semen bleeding into a membrane into her body. I discussed this with Sharon Mitchell five years ago and she fully agreed that the eye will bleed easier than the butt. And it does, and it will. And that's a fact."

As I have been saying all along...any company that shoots condom-only but then finishes up with a facial is basically negating any protection they may have supposedly gained. One stray spurt into the eye and all bets are off.

Also, condoms break. Given the choice of doing a bareback shoot with a fully-tested performer or a condom shoot with an untested performer, which would you choose?