Is our **insert plural of topic of choice here** safe?
Since 2001, the Administration:
Liberated nearly 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan;
Trained over 215,000 Iraqi and over 82,000 Afghan security forces, in partnership with Coalition forces;
Raised servicemembers’ pay by about 25 percent and enhanced special pays and bonuses to improve recruiting and retention;
Increased the Basic Allowance for Housing, to cover the average actual cost of housing for servicemembers and their families who live off base;
Improved the quality of housing for military personnel and their families by continuing programs that have privatized 111,289 homes;
Increased the monthly education benefit by 40 percent for Reservists and members of the National Guard continuously mobilized between 90 days and one year;
Launched transformational initiatives such as the Navy’s Fleet Readiness Plan that improved military readiness;
Deployed the first-ever land- and sea-based systems to defend against long-range ballistic missiles; and
Began a major reorganization of the Army ground forces, known as Modularity, to increase the number of combat brigades and improve their mobility, flexibility, and capability to operate autonomously.
The President’s Budget:
Provides $439.3 billion for the Department of Defense’s base budget—a 7-percent increase over 2006 and a 48-percent increase over 2001—to maintain a high level of military readiness, develop and procure new weapon systems to ensure U.S. battlefield superiority, and support our servicemembers and their families;
Requests $50 billion in 2007
bridge funding to support the military’s Global War on Terror efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq into 2007;
Expands the Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle force from 12 to 21 orbits, each supporting 3-4 aircraft, to increase sustained 24-hour surveillance capabilities;
Increases substantially the size and capabilities of the Special Operations Command;
Adds $173.3 million to continue developing and refining a New Triad of smaller nuclear forces, enhanced missile defenses, and improved command and control; and
Provides an additional 2.2-percent increase in basic pay.
Source: White House / Office of Management and Budget