

Are any of these gay performers AIM tested?




why do you care about those fags? are you going to book them?

Because in the next year and a half to two years I predict a remarkable jump and focus in Bi-sexual porn using "crossover" stars within California, especially after more and more companies jump on the tranny band wagon; the tranny porn market soon becomes super saturated with product and producers realizing that the profit margins are so much higher than the straight side and said companies with their sloppy AIM guidelines and sex practices move into the next big field; MMF bisexual scenes. Guys (and girls who used to be guys) keep their HIV status pretty secret when they're infected; *real* women do not.

With "stars" who have been doing gay scenes and aren't even AIM tested, I see a massive shit storm brewing and hitting the fan, likely with an outbreak of HIV about three to four years from now that will make the Darren James and Marc Wallice fuck ups pale in comparison as more and more companies focus on this type of content.

When it comes out that the industry has ignored testing in the gay side for years because of this and all of a sudden numerous outbreaks are traced back to this particular segment, Sacramento as well as the Health Departments in San Francisco and Los Angeles will shit a brick. Shut-downs, moratoriums and more will be unleashed crippling this industry for reasons that are easily preventable.

AIM will look like a laughing stock and will be heavily, HEAVILY questioned by state legislators and health authorities leading to an increased presence of government officials supervising porn shooting.

I hypothesized all this shit about six months ago and worked out the math and stages like any epidemic in my head. This is the first step down this path I thought would happen about eight months from now; gay talent has never had a talent agency (especially one with proposed crossover potential) and the creation of such an agency is the first step to a massive outbreak.

Yeah, I kind of am concerned when a good number of people's livelihoods and incomes will be on the line because of irresponsible producers in genre's not even related to them.

-Or I could all be wrong, which believe me I hope is right.

-Or four years from now people will look back at this post and wonder why this harbinger wasn't taken more seriously.

Plus you really think if I wanted to hire gay talent I'd use Shy fucking Love's agency?
"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"