Are any of these gay performers AIM tested?




(BTW-That fag Chi Chi La Rue's STD policy is "suggested" that the performers get tested every six months as I understand, yet with absolutely no requirements or test needed to perform. So yeah, pretty much the same toothless guidelines as the Surgeon General's for MSM men. Just look how effective for HIV and all sorts of nasty STD transmissions among gay men, all of which are on the rise.)

Shy's more than happy to open up the Pandora's box of STDs that's been festering in the gay industry within California for years. All of this on top of the Marc Wallice/HIV workman's comp decisions soon to come too...

I couldn't think of anyone better to have a wrath similar to the Ark of the Covenant's released upon though.

"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"