PAINESVILLE, Ohio - A judge known for giving unusual sentences has ordered three men who pleaded guilty to soliciting sex to take turns dressing in a bright yellow chicken costume.
Painesville Municipal Judge Michael Cicconetti agreed to suspend a 30-day jail sentence if they wear the costume between 4 and 7 p.m. Friday outside the court while carrying a sign that reads "No Chicken Ranch in Painesville."
The sign and costume refer to the "World Famous Chicken Ranch," a prostitution house in Nevada where sex-for-money is legal.
Daniel Chapdelaine, 40, of Perry Township; Martin Soto, 44, of Ashtabula; and Fabian Rodriguez-Ramirez, 29, of Painesville, solicited sex from an undercover Painesville police officer earlier this summer.
Cicconetti has used barnyard animals to dispense justice in the past.
He ordered a man who called a policeman a pig to stand next to a live pig in a pen and hold a sign that read "This Is Not a Police Officer." A couple who stole a baby Jesus statue from a manger were sentenced to dress as Mary and Joseph and walk with a donkey. (Source: AP)
Video: Judge Makes Johns Wear Chicken Costume
In a related story:
Chicken sex change confirmed by veterinarian
CALCUTTA, India -- A chicken has gone through a rare, spontaneous sex change in eastern India, a veterinarian said Thursday.
The bird laid eggs six months ago -- and some hatched -- but it later began to grow a rooster's comb, said Partha Sarathi Ghose, a veterinarian at West Bengal state's Animal Husbandry Department, quoting the bird's owner.
Earlier this week Ghose and a team of experts visited the village of Kamat-Chengrabanda where the incident occurred.
Ghose said the bird had undergone a process of natural sex change.
"Sure, it's rare,'' the veterinarian said, adding that owner Haziruddin Mohammad has called the incident a miracle and refused to hand over the bird to the Animal Husbandry Department.
"Every once in a while you hear a story about a hen that changed into a cock. Such stories are often met with skepticism, but sex reversals do, in fact, occur, although not very frequently,'' says a 2000 report published by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
The study said spontaneous sex reversals can result from damage to one ovary.
It said that there are reports of some such birds fathering offspring, but that most never do.
Source: AP