
I'm reading Bush's "Decision Points". As soon as I finish that I have Keith Richards' book waiting.

better than a rock bio ghostwritten or tell-all after relevancy's left the scene, no?

then again, you're kinda a fellow fanboy-mick and keith are smart, we'll never get one from jagger but keith's what i wanted him to be-painfully honest and a lot more with it and cerebral than the world wants him to fit into role-wise. axl's the dumb asshole rockstar who was the first one worth hating, mick and keith's machu-pichu adventures aren't what dumb rockstars do, think about like, oasis, just being the biggest band in the world with the beatles off the map and willing to play in a bar free for hours when they're lost up a river to sleep somewhere. van halen or whoever needed m/m's in brown taken out. total faggotry. at least guns basically hid in indiana at his dad's house after ejecting for good like izzy, axl losing any contact with the outside world but beating up the tmz-types following him if he's in public well into his 40's. adler's unable to talk, and slash was their keef, riffs hold up and stradlin was better than richards had as a rhythym, lies is the last rock album i've bought more than once.

anyhow, compared to the hour and a half motley crue's salacious pulp warranted, i liked keith's and i'm not a fan of auto's almost as a rule.
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits