I was in a checkout line today. As I waited I pictured the pretty cashier with her head upsidedown, gagging and blowing snot bubbles due to...well you know. When that got boring (I'm not one to run anything into the ground) I thumbed through some magazines. In one was a nice headshot of the very pretty young actress Lindsey Lohan. I know it's wrong, wrong, wrong but I turned the magazine upsidedown. The effect was considerable. I then rubbed some of the condensation from my cold six-pack onto Lindsey's photo, smearing her eyes and hair. Then I imagined hot young actress gagging sounds in my mind. It was a Eureka moment to say the least. I then looked for a porn mag so I could tear out a picture of a cock and place it atop Ms. Lohan's photo poised over her mouth. They had none. Thwarted, I then looked up and was confronted by alarmed and perplexed stares all around. "Sorry, sorry, " I said, "I don't mean to hold up the line" and put the soiled magazine with my sixpack, candles, and Drano. "But you see," I continued to the nervous, disgusted cashier, "I've just been struck by an inspiration. An inspiration that may change all our lives. I don't want to go into too much detail, but it involves simulated throatfucking of celebrities, a topic I'm sure we're on the same page about..." The cashier handed me my change silently and glanced over to the security guard. I left, my mind abuzz with ideas. Well, maybe not actual ideas or thoughts, but something was surely firing the synapses.
The less cretinous amongst you will see where I'm going with this already. Gagfactor.com's sister site (I propose SAGfactor.com) will feature doctored photos of hot young actresses turned upsidedown and Photosoaped so that they appeaar to be in the midst of a career-ending throartfuck. Current technology would make the aaddition of snot bubbles and a phlegm/spit/vomit glaze over the face and hair a breeze. Of course, we must not obscure them to much because that would defeat the purpose. But only the most essential hint of their identity should be discernable. This is the point too.

After having typed that, I realize that maybe it isn't such a great idea. I don't know. But it does bring up an interesting point about how Gag Factor is changing the Zeitgeist. There was a time, long ago, that when I saw a pretty girl I guiltily pictured what she looked like naked and how she might sound having an orgasm. How quaint. How lovely. No more. Now I picture her face UPSIDEDOWN!!! getting throatfucked and imagine what awful noises an oral blitzkrieg by a cock would produce from her layrnx. How times have changed.