Martin Gilbert - Auschwitz and the Allies

Solid writing. (Gilbert also wrote some parts of the Churchill biography.)
Earlier I read Walter Laqueur's 'The Terrible Secret' and 'London has been informed..' by Henryk Swiebocki (ed.). Laqueur's focus is more on the general situation and attitude towards the news about the extermination camps; 'London has been informed...' deals mostly with the way the reports came from Poland to the West.
Gilbert writes extensively about the reaction both in the US and UK to the news and information about Auschwitz and other camps. He's not mild on what both governments did and did not do.

Maxim Gorky - The Mother

I was a bit surprised by this. It's a perfect example of socialist realism, but a very good read. It's also in typically Russian style with long, detailed descriptions of events, people and thoughts/emotions. I read a older Dutch translation, which (I think) is very close to the original Russian.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.