Part 2 of the list of books.

(Letters E, D, NL stand for the language my copy is in. E=English, D=Deutsch, NL=Nederlands)

Kingsley Amis - Lucky Jim E
Kingsley Amis - The Old Devils E
Cervantes - Don Quixote E
Joseph Conrad - Lord Jim E
William Golding - Lord Of The Flies E
William Golding - Rites Of Passage E
Hermann Hesse - Der Steppenwolf D
Aldous Huxley - Those Barren Leaves E
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World E
Aldous Huxley - Eyeless In Gaza E
Aldous Huxley - The Devils Of Loudun E
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World Revisited E
James Joyce - Ulysses E
Franz Kafka - Das Schloss NL
Franz Kafka - Amerika D
Franz Kafka - Das Urteil (und andere Erzählungen) D
Franz Kafka - Tagebücher 1910-1923 D
Franz Kafka - Der Prozess E
Bernard Malamud - The Fixer E
Herman Melville - Moby-Dick, Or The Whale E
Multatuli - Max Havelaar NL
George Orwell - Animal Farm E
George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four E
Jean-Paul Sartre - L'Âge De Raison NL
Jean-Paul Sartre - Le Sursis NL
Jean-Paul Sartre - La Mort Dans L'Âme NL
Alan Sillitoe - Saturday Night And Sunday Morning NL

Dostoyevsky - Poor Folk NL
Dostoyevsky - White Nights/The Landlady NL
Dostoyevsky - A Nasty Story E
Dostoyevsky - Crime And Punishment E
Dostoyevsky - The Gambler E
Dostoyevsky - The Idiot E
Dostoyevsky - The Possessed E
Dostoyevsky - Bobok E
Dostoyevsky - A Gentle Creature NL
Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov NL
Gogol - Dead Souls E
Gorky - The Life Of A Useless Man E
Gorky - The Mother NL
Gorky - Life Of Klim Samgin NL
N.S. Leskov - Cathedral Folk NL
V. Shalamov - Kolyma Tales E
Solzhenitsyn - One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich E
Solzhenitsyn - Short stories E
Solzhenitsyn - The First Circle E
Solzhenitsyn - The Cancer Ward E
Solzhenitsyn - August 1914 E
Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 1-3) NL
Solzhenitsyn - Letters/Autobiography/Related Material NL
L. Tolstoy - Childhood E
L. Tolstoy - Boyhood E
L. Tolstoy - Youth E
L. Tolstoy - War And Peace E
L. Tolstoy - Anna Karenina E
L. Tolstoy - Resurrection E
L. Tolstoy - Hadji Murat E
I. Turgenev - Novels, Shorter fiction, Letters (Vol. 1-5) NL
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.