
Does anyone still go to the library to rent out books? I like the library and I enjoy renting them, something about the smell, the plastic cover and the fact that so many others have read the same book.

I've found some really really good books via the library system. Once I rented a book for women (it was literary subtitled on the cover "literature for women") and to this day it's one of the best finds I've ever made. I wrote one of the authors who is now a professor at a Canadian University and we remain close correspondents.

As far as the whole "how many people have read this book" I think that really hits me when I buy a book from a book fair and I find an old library record or bookmark and I begin to think about the first owner who received the book on their birthday and how much the person who bought it for them thought they'd love and cherish it- only for them to probably discard or lose it. Maybe even the previous owner died.

I once leafed through an old math text book dated 1981 and it was just overwhelming. I imagined the last class just dying to break for summer or fall and throwing that book around and protesting to their teacher nobody would find any value in such a text. I used that book as a prop in a film and use it to this day. I still leaf through it, for no particular reason really- maybe just to dream.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.