Firstly, let's get this out of the way. This movies DOES NOT have sex involving a donkey, it's a horse. Secondly, the only donkey featured in the video talks and sniffs a female ass.
The film begins with some crude titles superimposed on top of porn magazine spreads (how artsy), then we're introduced to the main character Gaviao. Gaviao has just escaped from prison and is carrying the HIV virus. Immediately after his escape he meets a woman who he puts in a coffin and rapes (she actually helps him get the coffin ready and seems to co-operate with the rape). He calls this 'the coffin of love'. He then meets two chicks dyking it out at the river. He spies on them, then leaves and runs into a drunk with a huge beard (btw, everyone in this video has a huge beard and is ugly, excluding Gaviao and the chicks who are just ugly) and another chick. He asks them to take him to his home town, but first they show him a newspaper which has the headlines of his escape and HIV status.
Back in his home town (I suppose) we see two ugly guys cuddling, then an ugglier guy holds them at gun point, takes them out to the middle of nowhere and gives them blowjobs and lets one of them fsck him.
Arriving in town Gaviao finds that his wife has been impregnated by his dad. He then goes into a room and has sex with some guy. While having sex an old guy walks in and Gaviao instructs for him to sit down and watch. What follows next is the most disgusting this I've ever seen:
The two guys start boinking to theme song of Chariots of Fire. While still boinking two chicks walk in and start shouting at Gaviao. Something else happens around this part but I honestly don't know how to put it in words; suffice to say it's not much.
At some office some guy walks in and rapes a chick at gunpoint while another guy is watching. Afterwards out in the boondocks some nude blonde waves some guy down and asks if she can borrow his donkey. She kisses it and lets it smell and lick her ass, the entire time the donkey is talking to her, telling her what a wonderful time it's having.
Back at Gaviao's, he's having serious problems, this time because he finds his sister pregnant. Remember that scene where I said I had no idea what was going on? Well, one scene involved the sister running out of a house. So here she is. Gaviao's screams at her, burns down the house then goes to a club where he has an orgy involving men, women and trannies. By the way, I should mention that the orgy also involves a fight and many bedroom scenes (which I suppose are meant to represent different clubs or rooms), culminating to sex with a horse (in a barn).
The final scene has Gaviao walk into a house with a chainsaw and kill a bunch of people. Then he goes out into the woods and talks to some chick. The END!