Oh FUCK! All Right, I admit, I hired a couple of HOTT, GIFTED Private duty RNs (either Registered Nurses or Ravenous Nymphos, take your pick...) and they restored my will to live and fight through the final onslaught of my condition...I am still going to fucking croak but the odds are now that I will go out [Baby-Gia]"Wheels Deep in Prime Snatch"[/Baby-Gia] and I am thus behooved to cling to the very last blowjob.
I also find that since I started Smoking again, I am suddenly more robust.
[youngMC] "Dont just sit there, (RO)BUST DA BURG....."[/youngMC]
Finding my Old
SWING OUT SISTER Album when I explored my Parents' Attic helped too....now if ONLY Holly Randall would consent to join a bookclub with me so I'd have something to do every Wednesday Night besides the 2 for 1 Lap Dance specials down in Lake Forrest, I'd live forever. Hello Holly? Holly?!?!?!?!?!
(PS I had dinner last night with a Mexican nurse friend named Desiree who has a REAL, BONAFIDE cigarette fetish, at least as far as Guy's are concerned....I really dont smoke much at all to be honest. She doesnt smoke AT all, she just likes seeing the shit hanging out of a dude's mouth....I think she must have been molested to the point of Orgasm by a chain smoking Uncle.....)