We could, but you'd never believe where that is from. Here is one that might be a little easier (though a little more disturbing).

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My story is one of awakening. It is a long story as it encompasses my entire life. I will not bore you with my early development except to say that I have always loved little girls. I will pick up the story in the months prior to Erin's birth.

After I graduated college and started working and seeing the other office girls pregnant, I was so attracted to them. I wanted to be pregnant too. But, as a lesbian I knew that the odds of that were almost nil. I checked into adoption, but it cost way too much, and the fact that I am unmarried, made it impossible. I eventually saved and borrowed enough money for artificial insemination. After several tries, I finally became pregnant. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Erin was born. After we came home from the hospital, we settled into a pretty normal routine. I breast feed her because that is the best for her. I found it to be great for me also. We were in bed one night, Erin was fussy, at 6 months old she had grown very much, I was nude and she had on her diaper. I placed her on my chest, she started feeding, as usual, I was getting a tingling feeling between my legs, to this point I had resisted the urge to masturbate while she was feeding.

I had read somewhere that masturbation or sex while feeding could upset the baby, I did not want to do that. This particular night though, the urge was overwhelming. As she sucked, I allowed my hand to slide down my stomach, I was on fire, so hot and wet, as my fingers found my folds, electrcity shot through my body, I trembled. Slowly, I began rubbing up and down, my clit immediately came to attention, with my other hand I began rubbing Erin's back, so smooth, so soft. As my excitement grew, a wonderful thing happened, Erin started sucking harder. I did not know why at the time, but I knew it was something related to my excitedness. My fingers worked faster, harder, Erin was a little sucking machine, as I rubbed her back my hand trailed down to the top of her diaper, almost automaticly, as if something was guiding my hand, I untaped her diaper, slid my hand to her bottom, and started to caress her, I pulled her diaper off, the feeling of her bare skin against mine was heavenly. I was masturbating hard now, rubbing my clit, caressing her bare bottom, I could feel my orgasm building, then I felt something, warm, wet. Erin was peeing, when I realized what this was, I orgasmed imeediately. It was the most intense I have ever felt. Wave after wave flooded my being. Finally, I relaxed. Erin had stopped sucking and was fast asleep. We slept that way that night, both of us nude, cuddled together. This was my first experiance with her.

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I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.