
there are four pages of tour not including the massive number of previews on the main page alone. The Extreme DVD club is the "extreme membershitp" you are talking about and it explains exacly what it is in detail on the page. the aol email address you are referring to is actually being changed soon (like today or monday), but it is our customer service address right now.

if you have any sugesstions i am open to them. i am in the middle of planning a site redesign right now as i just recently (last two weeks) took it over from our old webmaster.

Ok if you want feedback and suggestions here are some:

1. Make sure the site is cross browser compatiable. I'd fed up of sites that seem to think the only browser available is IE. I use Opera and the number of really big sites that dont display properly in Opera is taking the piss. This is not a problem with Opera it's a problem with webmasters not really having a clue what they are doign and using editors to write their HTML for them.

2. I want to know the exact price for the membership. I dont want to have to go through 99% of the signup process only then to find out the price.

3. I want to know exactly what I am getting for my money. Stuff like "10000000000000 pictures, 10000000000000 of videos" means jack shit. I want to see previous updates with small clips and a description of the movies available.

4. Keep the navigation simple and dont clutter up the page with pointless animated gifs and flash crap.

I rarely signup for a site unless I know exactly what I am getting. The last site I signed up for was 'meatholes'. This site isnt spectacular but it's simple and you know exactly what your getting. The layout is basic but it works, there's very little pointless crap on the site and the content is fantastic.

As an example of what I mean, I am interested in the Julie Night clips on your site. The problem is I have no idea how long that clip is on your site, is it 10 minutes or an hour? What format can I view it in (wmv, mpg, rm).