I actually read a few received bulletins on myspace and it led me back to this.

I underestimated Ceara- I think she's razor sharp in this. It's long so you mouth-breathers probably won't make it thru the entire thing...


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dont fuck with me thanks

Hi, I know a lot of you read that bulletin I posted last night with some douche-bags CC# enclosed. Some of you were curious about what it was all about so here's our conversations. It's super long but consistantly quite funny. This first convo was about a month ago when he gave me the cc# and the second was just the other day. The best part is no matter how insensitive and cruel I am to this guy, he still tries wants to buy my panties and jerk off on his webcam for me (and I honestly don't believe he's a sub). It's like every time he get an erection he forgets I could potentially destroy his career and marriage without an ounce of guilt. COMEDY.

So sit back and read all of this. It's not like you have anything better to do.

nfscheats: hey can i have a quick call with u?
nfscheats: i will pay
Ceara Lynch: what do you want to talk about?
nfscheats im holding a girls panties and i want to jerk to them
Ceara Lynch: okay so what do you want to talk about?
nfscheats i want you to tell me what to do with them
nfscheats do we use yahoo IM to talk?
Ceara Lynch: I have listings on niteflirt
nfscheats: can i just paypal u then use yahoo IM?
Ceara Lynch: I dont use yahoo IM
nfscheats: msn?
Ceara Lynch: nope
nfscheats: skype?
Ceara Lynch: no, just niteflirt
Ceara Lynch: i dont like giving out my phone number
nfscheats: dont worry - i live in australia
Ceara Lynch: Doesnt matter
nfscheats: ok im registering now
Ceara Lynch: okay.. i dont know if you'll be able to call right away
nfscheats: how come?
Ceara Lynch: because they might want to approve your account first
Ceara Lynch: you have to put money in your account, i dont know how long that takes
nfscheats: cant we just use your webcam over yahoo IM and i pay right now with paypal?
Ceara Lynch: you can't talk to me through my cam
nfscheats: yeah i have a cam too
Ceara Lynch: uh
Ceara Lynch: did you even read what I said?
nfscheats: but on niteflirt you offer webcams
Ceara Lynch: yes
nfscheats: so whats the difference what program you use the webcam with?
Ceara Lynch: but i thought you wanted a phone conversation
nfscheats: i'll pay for webcam that is fine
Ceara Lynch: okay
nfscheats: how much for 5 min
Ceara Lynch: $25
nfscheats: can u do $20 for the first time?
Ceara Lynch: okay, I dont strip though, you realize that right?
nfscheats: yep thats fine
nfscheats: ok what email do i send to?
Ceara Lynch: ********@yahoo.com
nfscheats: ok sending
nfscheats: You have sent $20.00 USD to *******@yahoo.com.
nfscheats: can we start now?
nfscheats: my name is rob
nfscheats: hey
Ceara Lynch: hi
nfscheats: can u talk?
Ceara Lynch: omg are you kidding me?
Ceara Lynch: i told you i cant talk through my cam
nfscheats: oh i thought you meant you wouldnt
nfscheats: what do u do in cam shows then?
Ceara Lynch: this
nfscheats: the picture isnt really updating tho
Ceara Lynch: it freezes sometimes
nfscheats: so you dont have a seperate mic?
Ceara Lynch: no dude. thats why I told you I cant talk to you through my cam
nfscheats: ah man
nfscheats: are you sure i cant just skype you?
Ceara Lynch: I dont use skype
nfscheats: it allows me to call phones
Ceara Lynch: obviously
nfscheats: in the cam show can u show your bra and panties?
Ceara Lynch: I can, but I dont
nfscheats: will you for me?
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: ah ceara i dont get what a webcam show is if you dont do anything
Ceara Lynch: not really my problem
Ceara Lynch: I explained to you that I dont strip
nfscheats: that isnt stripping
Ceara Lynch: yes it is
nfscheats: stripping is going nude
Ceara Lynch: no, going nude is going nude. stripping is stripping clothes
Ceara Lynch: anyway, 5 minutes is up
nfscheats: can i have some panties instead
nfscheats: that wasnt worth anything
Ceara Lynch: then why did you pay for it?
nfscheats: i thought you would at least have a mic
Ceara Lynch: you should have paid attention when I told you I didnt
nfscheats: you didnt specifically, i thought that was your policy
Ceara Lynch: okay, even if it was. either way you knew you couldnt talk to me
nfscheats: no i didnt
Ceara Lynch: yes you did
nfscheats: seriously that's not fair
Ceara Lynch: i made it quite clear
nfscheats: can you refund it, all i saw was the same picture, it changed like 2 or 3 times
Ceara Lynch: If you're going to be stupid enough to open a claim against me you're running the risk of both of our accounts being terminated
nfscheats: well you are completely unfair
Ceara Lynch: how? I told you I didnt strip, I told you I couldnt talk to you on cam. If you would have maybe stopped jacking off for two seconds and read what I had to say you'd know exactly what you were paying for
nfscheats: you didnt even do a single thing in the cam show
Ceara Lynch: what the fuck were you expecting??
nfscheats: at least some sort of movement!
nfscheats: i saw the same picture!!
Ceara Lynch: hahaha whatever dude. your problem
Ceara Lynch: If you wanted a slut cam you had many many other options
Ceara Lynch: its not my fault you didnt listen to me
nfscheats: i just wanted you to talk to me - thats all
Ceara Lynch: and i told you i couldnt
Ceara Lynch: but you were too busy thinking with your dick
Ceara Lynch: to accept that
nfscheats: well there was obviously miscommunication
Ceara Lynch: yeah, you can't read
nfscheats: no, i thought you made an exception and would talk on webcam
Ceara Lynch: did I say I would?
Ceara Lynch: maybe if you didnt make stuff up in your head you wouldnt lose your money
nfscheats: seriously tho, how can u charge ppl for nothing?
Ceara Lynch: easy
Ceara Lynch: i make a living off of i
Ceara Lynch: it
Ceara Lynch: I have regular customers who pay me more than what you did. you got a deal.
nfscheats: why would that do that? for what?
nfscheats: what do they benefit?
Ceara Lynch: they get to see me. they love it.
nfscheats: but you dont move...
nfscheats: i could easily take a picture
nfscheats: and pretend it is my webcam
Ceara Lynch: hey that's cool, it'll save you $20 next time, eh?
nfscheats: well you didnt give me a webcam
nfscheats: even if you dont talk
nfscheats: it still wasnt a webcam show
nfscheats: webcam = motion
Ceara Lynch: i was moving stupid
nfscheats: eyes blinking, anything
nfscheats: not on my screen you werent
Ceara Lynch: get a faster computer, ive never had complaints
nfscheats: that's not my fault
Ceara Lynch: haha, so its my fault your computer sucks?
Ceara Lynch: right...
nfscheats: seriously it isnt my fault
nfscheats: you didnt tell me any requirements
Ceara Lynch: i told you EVERY requirment
Ceara Lynch: no talking, no stripping, you got it buddy
nfscheats: ceara, stop wasting both our times
Ceara Lynch: hahaha agreed
nfscheats: i can live without a paypal account
Ceara Lynch: me too, i have a back up
nfscheats: k
nfscheats: you could just be one of those people who are nice, and at least willing
Ceara Lynch: I'm very nice, i just dont do whatever random horny losers on the internet tell me to
nfscheats: yes, and you didnt do anything!
Ceara Lynch: and i told you i wouldnt!
nfscheats: no.. you didnt
nfscheats: im looking at my history now
Ceara Lynch: i told you i wouldnt strip, if you wanted something else why didnt you say so?
nfscheats: because the session did not even seem to be working
Ceara Lynch: it was
nfscheats: if you're dumb enough to sacrifice your account for $20, i think you're crazy
Ceara Lynch: likewise
nfscheats: if you claim these others pay you so much more
Ceara Lynch: like i said, i havbe two
Ceara Lynch: they do, and not through pp
nfscheats: that doesnt matter, they are all linked with your name
Ceara Lynch: yeah you would think that
nfscheats: or IP address
nfscheats: trust me paypal isnt stupid and i know the insides and outs
nfscheats: if one of your accounts is shut down,all of them are
Ceara Lynch: really? that's funny. i've already had 1 shut down
nfscheats: maybe you moved
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 255);">nfscheats: i remember hearing you did
Ceara Lynch: so, paypal isnt stupid, but if I move they're totally fooled into thinking im a different person? right.
nfscheats: yes obviously, as ppl can have the same name
Ceara Lynch: cool, i'll just give them another address then
nfscheats: try it
Ceara Lynch: k
nfscheats: i never thought you were this lame
Ceara Lynch: ditto
nfscheats: i am a loyal auction buyer of yours registered under another name
Ceara Lynch: haha yeah right
nfscheats: im serious
Ceara Lynch: whats your name?
nfscheats: do you really want to know?
Ceara Lynch: yes because youre lying
nfscheats: Zrussells [--this is customer who's spent litterally thousands on my panties--]
Ceara Lynch: HAHAHHA
Ceara Lynch: yeah I'm sure
nfscheats: be sure
Ceara Lynch: so how are you signed on two names at once?
nfscheats: easy
nfscheats: i have a laptop
nfscheats: do i need to say more?
Ceara Lynch: Yeah, because Zrussels isnt even online right now, I was bluffing. But I'll give you another chance, what's your first name?
nfscheats: god
Ceara Lynch: so what is it, hun? i know it's no biggie if you tell me because you sign your emails with it all the time
nfscheats: i cant believe you are treating me like this
Ceara Lynch: HAHAHA
Ceara Lynch: Youre blatantly LYING to me
Ceara Lynch: too funny
Ceara Lynch: nice try.. but Zrussells would have probably paid me hundreds for that cam show.
nfscheats: wrong
nfscheats: he wont be buying anymore from you
Ceara Lynch: I'm sure.
nfscheats: why do i need you to believe me???
Ceara Lynch: I never said you did
nfscheats: yes you did
nfscheats: look up
Ceara Lynch: I dont see it
Ceara Lynch: I never said you need me to believe you
nfscheats: put your glasses on
Ceara Lynch: lol, I can read just fine
nfscheats: no, i honestly dont think you can
nfscheats: what can i do to get u to refund?
nfscheats: i will do what it takes to bring my reputation back
Ceara Lynch: your reputation? I could care less about that
Ceara Lynch: I never liked you in the first place
nfscheats: you never said that
Ceara Lynch: yeah I know
nfscheats: then
nfscheats: i just want things to be back to the way they used to be
Ceara Lynch: I'll bet
nfscheats: why not?
nfscheats: lets just forget this transaction happened, you refund it and we are friends again
Ceara Lynch: I was never your friend, dude
nfscheats: why not?
nfscheats: you didnt hate me
Ceara Lynch: I didnt like you either
nfscheats: but you didnt hate me so that was fine in my books
Ceara Lynch: I could care less about "your books"
Ceara Lynch: In my books I have $20 and you dont
nfscheats: well i will do what it takes to get it back
nfscheats: i can easily call my credit card company
Ceara Lynch: good for you!
nfscheats: then what will you do?
Ceara Lynch: laugh at you
nfscheats: why?
nfscheats: what did i do to deserve this treatment
Ceara Lynch: thinking with your dick
nfscheats: i wasnt!
nfscheats: i didnt even jack off
nfscheats: how could i
nfscheats: i felt like shit
Ceara Lynch: I made you feel like shit?
nfscheats: yes
Ceara Lynch: COOL
nfscheats: why?
Ceara Lynch: hahaha
nfscheats: how is that possibly cool???
nfscheats: dont you want to make people feel good?
Ceara Lynch: no, not really. I pretty much make my living off of making people feel bad
nfscheats: what kind of living is that?
Ceara Lynch: a rather content one
nfscheats: you cant make enough to live
Ceara Lynch: really? that's funny, cause I do
nfscheats: enough to live with your parents maybe
Ceara Lynch: Hahaha, nope, try again
nfscheats: ok enough to live with your uncle
nfscheats: who pays you for shows too
Ceara Lynch: lol
Ceara Lynch: why would my uncle pay for my webcam shows if I live with him?
Ceara Lynch: you're not very bright
nfscheats: cause he is odd, sort of like you
Ceara Lynch: oh okay
nfscheats: and you dont know when enough is enough
nfscheats: your parents probably always said that to you
Ceara Lynch: enough of what?
nfscheats: causing people pain
Ceara Lynch: wow, did I make you cry and everything?
nfscheats: close enough to it
nfscheats: in words
Ceara Lynch: too funny
nfscheats: it really isnt
Ceara Lynch: to me it is, for sure
nfscheats: you just make funnyness out of it
Ceara Lynch: exactly!
nfscheats: but how is that cool?
Ceara Lynch: i dont recall saying it was "cool," but it makes my life much more amusing and entertaining
nfscheats: wow, you must live such a life
nfscheats: do you even have a man who cares
Ceara Lynch: Yep, my daddy and my boyfriend
nfscheats: or does all he want is to strip you
nfscheats: of your values
Ceara Lynch: hahahahahaha, you're hilarious
nfscheats: how?
nfscheats: im sure it was your boyfriend who conned you into thios
Ceara Lynch: what? making money off of stupid men?
Ceara Lynch: no that was my idea
nfscheats: no selling your self to them
Ceara Lynch: HAHAHA
nfscheats: youre a slut
nfscheats: who takes money for sex
Ceara Lynch: that would be a whore
nfscheats: but you dont actually give the sex
Ceara Lynch: so, it's sort of like the exact opposite of being a whore, huh?
Ceara Lynch: with that logic any girl that gets paid for anything is "selling herself"
nfscheats: yes
nfscheats: no, but you show yourself and no more
Ceara Lynch: whats your poit?
nfscheats: im not paying $20 for a picture of you
Ceara Lynch: looks like you already did
nfscheats: i already have free ones of your pussy and all
nfscheats: i can prove it
Ceara Lynch: hahaha!! I'm so sure
nfscheats: remember that magazine you posed nude in, selling your soul for?
Ceara Lynch: my soul? hahahaha
Ceara Lynch: yeah I posed in a mag, it was awesome.
nfscheats: whatever you want to call it
nfscheats: how could it be awesome having someone else take a picture of you?
Ceara Lynch: I really like posing for the camera. the whole experience was just really fun.
nfscheats: what could you have possibly gained
nfscheats: other than discust
Ceara Lynch: It was cool to see myself in a magazine. I wanted to be in barely legal before I turned 20.
Ceara Lynch: also I got to take a trip to LA I'll never forget
nfscheats: what if your parents see
Ceara Lynch: they already have
nfscheats: right
nfscheats: why would they
Ceara Lynch: Because someone told them about it
nfscheats: and now youre probably not their daughter
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha, no my parents are awesome people. they didnt like it but they got over it pretty quickly.
Ceara Lynch: they know it was just a one time thing so they dont really care
nfscheats: how do they know? you could easily step out and do it again
Ceara Lynch: yeah but I'm not. And they believe that. I have no reason to lie to them.
nfscheats: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: shit wrong screen
nfscheats: just delete that please
Ceara Lynch: haha is that your cc number?
nfscheats: no
Ceara Lynch: yeah i think it is
nfscheats: it's not
Ceara Lynch: okay so you wont mind if i save it then
nfscheats: just remove it from your history
Ceara Lynch: why?
nfscheats: do i have to have an explaination for everything??
nfscheats: i just dont want any problems
Ceara Lynch: because its your cc number?
nfscheats: not really
nfscheats: it doesnt have the expiry
Ceara Lynch: haha so it is!
Ceara Lynch: HILARIOUS
nfscheats: shut up
Ceara Lynch: *saves*
nfscheats: why must you keep doing this to me??? FUCK
Ceara Lynch: god you're funny
Ceara Lynch: okay
Ceara Lynch: here's the deal.
nfscheats: that's one thing i dont want you to have
nfscheats: just please remove it
Ceara Lynch: No, i'm saving it
nfscheats: i dont deal with lynches
nfscheats: if you made a mistake i would fulfill with you
Ceara Lynch: you would fullfill with me?
nfscheats: you know what i mean..
Ceara Lynch: no, i dont
nfscheats: you really know how to get on peoples back and tear them apart
nfscheats: i dont deserve this!!! i didnt even ask for it
Ceara Lynch: yeah, but if you would shut up for a second, i was about to tell you something nice
Ceara Lynch: I'm refunding your chump change, because I've seriously been entertained tourmenting you
Ceara Lynch: you're so easy to upset, it's unbelievable
nfscheats: i thought you got upset
nfscheats: you werent upset at all??
Ceara Lynch: why would i get upset? i had your money.
Ceara Lynch: I've been laughing at you dude
Ceara Lynch: but you can have it back
nfscheats: man i totally thought you were stressing out
Ceara Lynch: what the hell do I have to stress out over? your empty threats ?
nfscheats: cause i almost shed a f__n tear
Ceara Lynch: thats YOU being upset, not me
nfscheats: i already give you my business CC and you just get to have joy by having it
Ceara Lynch: yes
nfscheats: it was supposed to be pasted into my purchase
nfscheats: not this stupid window
Ceara Lynch: But now its mine! oh the irony
nfscheats: now i have a chance of losing my job
nfscheats: i mean
nfscheats: just erase it, seriously.
nfscheats: you've put me through enough and you know it
Ceara Lynch: nah, i just sent back your $20, but I'm definitely keeping your CC number
nfscheats: oh come on
nfscheats: cant we forget this whole talk
nfscheats: just delete the history
nfscheats: that is worth more to me than any webcam show
Ceara Lynch: i dont want to forget about this talk, i love this talk
nfscheats: im going to flip
Ceara Lynch: YAY!
nfscheats: cant you show any passion
nfscheats: i made an honest mistake
Ceara Lynch: yeah, a couple
nfscheats: i have no idea why i pressed enter after pasting
nfscheats: im dumb and you rule, is that all you wanted to hear?
Ceara Lynch: maybe you secretly WANTED to give it to me
nfscheats: haha
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: i beg you to remove it
Ceara Lynch: nah
nfscheats: ceara this isnt funny anymore
nfscheats: you got your laugh
Ceara Lynch: still am
nfscheats: cant we end it
nfscheats: remove this history - and we never talked
Ceara Lynch: nah
nfscheats: i will lose my job if that card number is even attempted to be run in another state
nfscheats: what can i offer you to remove it?
Ceara Lynch: $50
nfscheats: what??
nfscheats: i thought you would say like dont message me again or something
Ceara Lynch: haha if i wanted that i would just block you
nfscheats: all i ask is to click one button, cant you move your hand up just a bit to delete it
Ceara Lynch: like i said, you're really entertaining me here
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: i dont find any of this even remotely funny tho
Ceara Lynch: I dont really care
nfscheats: youre pressuring me into things
Ceara Lynch: such as?
nfscheats: that you wont delete my cc #
Ceara Lynch: what am I pressuring you into?
nfscheats: i dont know anymore
nfscheats: i need to vent
nfscheats: fuck fuck fuck
nfscheats: i dont even know if i want to go into work tomorrow now
nfscheats: and if you think for a second im kidding
nfscheats: you've ruined me enough
Ceara Lynch: i havnt ruined you at all dude, this is all in your head
nfscheats: but the fact you have the ability to does
nfscheats: im the type of person that looks at all angels
nfscheats: now i'll always have you in my damn head... just the fact you have it
Ceara Lynch: YES!
nfscheats: and the fact you could use it against me any time you feel
nfscheats: why do you get off at this?
Ceara Lynch: I'm rubbing my hands together and laughing cruelly right now
nfscheats: oh my god
nfscheats: im about to piss myself
nfscheats: and you're fuckin laughing
Ceara Lynch: ironic, isnt it?
nfscheats: how does your boyfriend put up with you?
Ceara Lynch: Oh I'm very nice to my friends
nfscheats: cant we just be friends again like i asked before?
nfscheats: what does it take to be your friend/?
Ceara Lynch: We were never friends dude!
nfscheats: well i mean companions, or whatever you call it
Ceara Lynch: I dont make "friends" or "companions" with random horny dudes on the internet, I make money off them and laugh
Ceara Lynch: you dont seem to get it
nfscheats: im not horny
nfscheats: i didnt even jack off like i wanted to
nfscheats: my head was hurting
nfscheats: i think i need to go take some advil
nfscheats: i need you to promise me you will erase this conversation
Ceara Lynch: nope
nfscheats: why cant you be the nice girl who says ok ok fine fine
Ceara Lynch: Because that's not who I am
nfscheats: it's like you tie me down and kick my face
Ceara Lynch: nice analogy!
Ceara Lynch: I like to think of it that way too
nfscheats: this is too good to be true
nfscheats: you just have to stop
nfscheats: please ceara
Ceara Lynch: too good? I knew you'd start enjoying this
nfscheats: i'll go on my knees if i have to , i will
Ceara Lynch: I dont really care
Ceara Lynch: I cant see you
nfscheats: well what am i supposed to do to have the queen listen?
Ceara Lynch: $50
nfscheats: that's too much
Ceara Lynch: okay
nfscheats: i just want to be able to use words to resolve this
nfscheats: and not have to give myself a headache
Ceara Lynch: okay, have fun with that
nfscheats: you just want to make me smash my head agaisnt the desk
Ceara Lynch: that would be cool too
nfscheats: but it would hurt
nfscheats: and im going to go insane
nfscheats: im not one of those people who easily get over that sort of thing
Ceara Lynch: even better
nfscheats: like this will go on for weeks... you can torture me like this
Ceara Lynch: telling me this isnt helping your cause
nfscheats: i thought you would pity me
Ceara Lynch: HAHAHAHA
nfscheats: and snap your finger and say i deleted the history
Ceara Lynch: youre just making me laugh harder
nfscheats: just pretend you whipped the shit out of me
nfscheats: and had your fun
nfscheats: now give me mine
Ceara Lynch: your what?
nfscheats: my happiness
nfscheats: just let me get this off my head
nfscheats: how do you expect me to sleep
Ceara Lynch: how do you expect me to care?
nfscheats: dont you have one caring gene in your body?
Ceara Lynch: not for you
nfscheats: how could you not care for some other human
nfscheats: who is so sorry for what he did
nfscheats: and cries and begs
Ceara Lynch: like I said, it just makes me laugh harder
Ceara Lynch: you really dont get it, do you?
nfscheats: ahhhhh
nfscheats: i get that you want money
nfscheats: but i cant give
Ceara Lynch: okay
nfscheats: why cant you do me one smalll favor
Ceara Lynch: I already did you one BIG favor, a refund
nfscheats: ok you refunded me for nothing, im just about ready to pull my hair out
nfscheats: if you could only see me now, you'd probably delete the history in a second
Ceara Lynch: I'd probably be crying from laughing so hard watching you pull your hair out
nfscheats: how do you laugh at such a thing
nfscheats: it is against human nature
nfscheats: you're supposed to feel sorry
nfscheats: ceara if i knew you i'd kiss your toes
nfscheats: i'd beg for forgiveness
Ceara Lynch: fucking gross
nfscheats: i would do anything to make you laugh at me
nfscheats: including you piss all over me
nfscheats: and make me feel like shit
nfscheats: by then you'd still probably not do such a simple thing i ask
Ceara Lynch: why would i do you favors for pissing on yourself? thats gross
nfscheats: how about this.. you delete the history i give you my word i wont botgher you
Ceara Lynch: wow youre really really stupid
nfscheats: how am i stupid
Ceara Lynch: If that was of ANY interest to me, i'd block you you fucking moron
Ceara Lynch: I am already in control of whether or not you bother me
nfscheats: what would you do in my situation
nfscheats: my wife has already asked why im not sleeping
nfscheats: for her sake can you do it?
Ceara Lynch: hahahahah tell her because you paid some bratty 20 year old $20 to see her face on cam and then gave her your CC #!!!
Ceara Lynch: tell me what she says
nfscheats: im not that stupid ceara
Ceara Lynch: coulda fooled me
nfscheats: you must be joking
nfscheats: i know youre playing a game, but just let it end
nfscheats: you've already got me in trouble with one thing
Ceara Lynch: hey, i'm playing as long as you are
Ceara Lynch: i havnt gotten you in trouble with anything
nfscheats: but my wife wants me to sleep
nfscheats: i cant sleep with this on my mind
nfscheats: she's going to find out, my face is red
Ceara Lynch: OH NO!! why didnt you say so???
Ceara Lynch: now I really care
nfscheats: you do?
nfscheats: finally
Ceara Lynch: .... you really thought that was serious?
nfscheats: i hope it was ok
nfscheats: i can have hope you know
nfscheats: im sorry
Ceara Lynch: man youre dumb
nfscheats: just say "Rob i deleted your history, go to sleep now"
Ceara Lynch: Sorry, I dont tell lies
nfscheats: just for me, this once, i wont do it again
Ceara Lynch: wont do what again?
nfscheats: make a dumbass mistake
Ceara Lynch: well thats no fun for me
Ceara Lynch: I love your dumbass mistakes
nfscheats: i'll make another mistake, just not such an important one
nfscheats: i'll make whatever other mistake you want in exchange
Ceara Lynch: okay, mistakenly give me $50
nfscheats: ah man, why...
nfscheats: will you atleast give me something for it?
Ceara Lynch: yeah, satisfaction of knowing I deleted your cc #
nfscheats: can you call me from a blocked # ?
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: im not giving you shit anymore
nfscheats: $50 to delete my credit card is unfair
Ceara Lynch: okay
Ceara Lynch: i'll keep it then
nfscheats: do you have a better offer ceara
nfscheats: i will plead
Ceara Lynch: nope
Ceara Lynch: i dont care
nfscheats: atleast you dont know what company the card is from
Ceara Lynch: okay
Ceara Lynch: so you feel better now?
nfscheats: well i think you wont run it
nfscheats: if i can give myself hope i will
nfscheats: it's all i have left
Ceara Lynch: alright, have fun with that
nfscheats: i win!!
nfscheats: i beat ceara
Ceara Lynch: you won? i've just been laughing at you.. if you're not worth laughing at anymore I can just find someone else
nfscheats: you've got to be kidding me
nfscheats: who havent been laughing the whole time, only maybe at the beginning
nfscheats: you felt pity
Ceara Lynch: okay so why do i still have your cc #?
nfscheats: you dont
nfscheats: you deleted it, remember?
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318 !
nfscheats: STOP PASTING IT!!
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: ceara
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318!!
nfscheats: fuck
nfscheats: call it quits please
Ceara Lynch: i thought you won?
Ceara Lynch: hahaha
nfscheats: youre really hurting me tho
nfscheats: i was trying to play you - it didnt seem to work very well
Ceara Lynch: yeah guess not
nfscheats: you must allow for some sacrifice
nfscheats: how did you get my cc number so fast?
nfscheats: it's not in another file is it?
Ceara Lynch: um, because I have it saved
nfscheats: i thought it was only in your history
Ceara Lynch: it is
Ceara Lynch: and on this paper next to me
Ceara Lynch: and saved on a word document
nfscheats: paper???
nfscheats: whahhhhat
Ceara Lynch: yeah, i wrote it down, obviously
nfscheats: why is it so obvious
Ceara Lynch: because i just told you
nfscheats: do you really want me to just cry
Ceara Lynch: i could care less either way'
nfscheats: what do you care about other than friends/family
nfscheats: dont you get off by making someone happy
nfscheats: instead of humilitating them
nfscheats: FUCK now my wife is questioning me
Ceara Lynch: yes!
Ceara Lynch: what is she saying?
nfscheats: ceara just delete it
nfscheats: well for starters i dont get sex tonight
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha!!
nfscheats: she is too "tired"
nfscheats: whatever ceara i cant believe you
nfscheats: i used to be in her good books
nfscheats: now she thinks im up to something
nfscheats: because im never on this late during work nights
Ceara Lynch: so funny
Ceara Lynch: does she know you spend your money on dirty underwear worn by strangers?
nfscheats: no i wouldnt have her if she did
Ceara Lynch: man, you should accidentally paste her phone # on here too
nfscheats: i've made enough mistakes you know that
nfscheats: im not losing my wife for you ceara!!
Ceara Lynch: haha, i like how seriously you took that
nfscheats: i'll have to be honest with my work
nfscheats: i'll tell my wife about this if i have to
nfscheats: whatever it takes to get your mind to get off this
Ceara Lynch: COOL, tell me all about it when you do, k?
nfscheats: noonono
nfscheats: you're supposed to believe it, im not actually gonna do it
Ceara Lynch: hahahahaha
nfscheats: why must you keep laughing
Ceara Lynch: it's so funny how you think you can do something BESIDES pay me to get me to delete your cc #
Ceara Lynch: like you're actually worth something more than what you make for a living.
nfscheats: i feel like i have a knife in my stomach
nfscheats: how will i get into bed without being so scared
Ceara Lynch: why are you asking me?
nfscheats: cant you help?
Ceara Lynch: you think I'm going to help you?
Ceara Lynch: man, are you high?
nfscheats: thats what you do for a living
nfscheats: im going to need to get to or i wont be able to sleep
Ceara Lynch: get to what?
nfscheats: i didnt minimize the window in time
nfscheats: "who is ceara"
Ceara Lynch: hahahhaha
nfscheats: you laugh but if it was you, you wouldnt wish i was treating you this way
Ceara Lynch: good thing I'm me!
Ceara Lynch: and you're dumb
nfscheats: i made a SILLY mistake
nfscheats: and now im risking my wife thinking im deceiving her
Ceara Lynch: so why are you still here talking to me?
nfscheats: i cant go to work tomorrow knowing someone has my card
nfscheats: im not in one of those "low" positions
Ceara Lynch: you must not be in a very "high" one either if you can't pay a simple $50 for blackmail
nfscheats: but i dont want to run my card again tonight
Ceara Lynch: okay
nfscheats: im going to go f"N nuts
Ceara Lynch: sweet
nfscheats: now my wife is telling me to sleep in this fuckin office
nfscheats: god damnit
nfscheats: ceara what you've done is real, you got a laugh and fucked my ass up
Ceara Lynch: I think you just like talking to me
nfscheats: ah i wish
nfscheats: i dont usually talk to you as you can tell
nfscheats: i just want to clear up our issues and be done with it
nfscheats: can i have your panties for $50 too?
Ceara Lynch: I'm sure you do
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: but i want a pair
nfscheats: at least i would get some satisfaction from you
Ceara Lynch: okay then $100
nfscheats: but you said $50 before
Ceara Lynch: yeah $50 to delete your # and $50 for the panties
nfscheats: i want them to be discustingly dirty
nfscheats: and i will only pay $50 its my final offer
Ceara Lynch: for what?
nfscheats: for the panties and removing my cc
Ceara Lynch: nope
nfscheats: ceara please, i BEG you
nfscheats: i will go on my knees on webcam
Ceara Lynch: and I will laugh at you and find more places to write down your cc #
Ceara Lynch: maybe give it to my girlfriends
nfscheats: dont laugh
nfscheats: nononono
nfscheats: those ppl are so untrustworthy
Ceara Lynch: how would you know?
nfscheats: i will follow your ever order
nfscheats: just delete it
Ceara Lynch: okay give me $50
Ceara Lynch: thats an order
nfscheats: and panties?
Ceara Lynch: you want to give me panties?
nfscheats: yes
Ceara Lynch: i dont want your panties
nfscheats: i want them
Ceara Lynch: okay, so keep them
nfscheats: but for $50 i want them
Ceara Lynch: sure, no problem.
Ceara Lynch: $50 for panties
nfscheats: and removing my cc, it's only one click ceara!!
nfscheats: i didnt ask you to write it down
Ceara Lynch: i never said you did, it was my own choice
nfscheats: i need you to shred the paper you wrote it on, dont just scrumple it up
Ceara Lynch: $50 for panties and $50 to remove the number
nfscheats: you know this is the first time i've ever slept in this office
nfscheats: isnt that enough for you
Ceara Lynch: why should i care?
nfscheats: because. you are a nice girl
nfscheats: with caring values and a true heart
Ceara Lynch: yes, but not for you
Ceara Lynch: I save all my hate for you baby
nfscheats: why me
nfscheats: i dont deserve this
nfscheats: and i've spent an hour humiliating myself just for one small favor
Ceara Lynch: i never asked you to humiliate yourself, those were your choices
nfscheats: i didnt get the jack off like i wanted to, and dont even get to sleep with my wife
Ceara Lynch: i think you liked it
nfscheats: the only reason i msged you was to jack off - you know that
nfscheats: you had to spoil it for me
nfscheats: then you just stabbed me 15 times
Ceara Lynch: stop it, youre flattering me.
nfscheats: how does my hate flatter you
Ceara Lynch: hate? I was talking about how I ruined your little jack off session and managed to stab you 15 times without even trying
nfscheats: i fuckin just wanted to jack off
nfscheats: damn i felt horny
nfscheats: horny enough to msg ceara even
Ceara Lynch: Hahahaha, nice one
nfscheats: arent you supposed to encourage me to jack off
nfscheats: make my cock hard
nfscheats: not tie a belt around my balls and pull
Ceara Lynch: I'm an online dom, that's EXACTLY what I'm suppose to do
Ceara Lynch: I dont encourage anyone to "jack off," if they are I dont want to hear about it
nfscheats: i bet if i was in front of you, you'd be weeping
Ceara Lynch: no, just you
nfscheats: what is your goal with me, to get me to cry?
Ceara Lynch: i dont have any goal, I'm just amusing myself
nfscheats: how can u live like this and be amused
Ceara Lynch: because you're giving me so much to laugh at
nfscheats: what the heck do u laugh at, all i see are hate words
nfscheats: at least i didnt make you wet
Ceara Lynch: yeah, I'm sure you're used to that though.
nfscheats: fuck
nfscheats: why do you always come back like that??
Ceara Lynch: tell me, is your wife often "tired" ?
nfscheats: i dont know, sometimes i think that
nfscheats: but she works hard
nfscheats: i expect her to be
nfscheats: what are you trying to say?
Ceara Lynch: I'm trying to say your wife doesnt like having sex with you. I'd make more subtle jokes about it but you seem to thick headed to get it
nfscheats: how the hell would you know!!
Ceara Lynch: because you asked me what i was trying to say
nfscheats: she sure seems to enjoy it when we do
nfscheats: do you normally need lube to have sex?
Ceara Lynch: I dont talk about my sex life with losers
nfscheats: as you dont have one
nfscheats: your boyfriend is all made up
Ceara Lynch: okay, if thats what you want to believe. doesnt change my life.
nfscheats: it hurt you, just a bit
Ceara Lynch: it hurts me that you think i dont have a boyfriend?
nfscheats: you may not admit it but i know it did
Ceara Lynch: what?
nfscheats: i know you dont have a boyfriend
nfscheats: you are probably searching online for one
Ceara Lynch: yeah, wanna be mine?
nfscheats: maybe, in an online sense
nfscheats: but you cant tell my wife
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha are you serious?
nfscheats: if youre up for it
nfscheats: you're almost making me blush
nfscheats: this is the ceara i like
Ceara Lynch: omg i can't even tell at this point if you're for real or not. you're so unbelievable stupid.
nfscheats: are you joking or being serious??
nfscheats: you change your view so fast it's hard to tell
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha i can't believe you tried to make fun of me saying that I search the internet for boyfriend, and then got all excited when I asked if you wanted to be mine
nfscheats: do you want to at least want to watch me jerk off?
nfscheats: while i pretend my cock is inside your little 20 year old pussy
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: OMG
nfscheats: not this again
nfscheats: i was just getting in the mood!!!! GOD DAMNIT
Ceara Lynch: hahaha youre so fucking stupid! i can't believe you're trying to cyber with me now
Ceara Lynch: wow
nfscheats: well what am i supposed to do, continue to suck up to you?
Ceara Lynch: maybe you should goto bed to your wife you fucking idiot
nfscheats: she wont let me!!
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha
nfscheats: it's not fuckin funny
Ceara Lynch: no, its HILARIOUS
nfscheats: my credit card number maybe, but not this
Ceara Lynch: I'm blackmailing you and you ask me if I want to watch you jack off. HAHAHHAHAHA!!
nfscheats: this is real life ceara, not in your little fake world
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: ceara stop that
nfscheats: i said i didnt want it to get out there
Ceara Lynch: i know, thats why im doing it
nfscheats: what if you accidentally paste it somewhere else
Ceara Lynch: god that would be a riot
Ceara Lynch: so are you my boyfriend now??? HAHAHHAHAHA!
nfscheats: ok you've hurt me, we can admit it
nfscheats: can i buy you a present from victoria's secret
Ceara Lynch: go for it
nfscheats: go pick what you want
nfscheats: or what styles do you prefer
Ceara Lynch: hahaha, why the fuck do you want to buy me something?
nfscheats: maybe it will get you to delete my cc?
Ceara Lynch: yeah, it wont
nfscheats: well it will get me one step closer
nfscheats: i want to buy you something, just let me ceara
Ceara Lynch: i thought you didnt want to run your credit card again
nfscheats: i can use my bank account with VS
nfscheats: i've done it before with my wife
Ceara Lynch: sweet, so as long as I have your cc # you will buy my stuff in vain belief that i'll be one step closer to deleting your #
nfscheats: you arent supposed to say that!
Ceara Lynch: um, i say whatever i want
nfscheats: just let me do what i feel is right
nfscheats: just tell me what the heck you want
Ceara Lynch: youre so full of shitt
nfscheats: i want to make it romantic
Ceara Lynch: $50
nfscheats: pick it from VS
nfscheats: i will send you the confirmation number in a matter of seconds
nfscheats: i already have an account ready
nfscheats: and you dont need to deal with my stupidity of a refund
Ceara Lynch: I want $50
Ceara Lynch: not your made up confirmation number
nfscheats: i will forward you the email!!!
Ceara Lynch: if i were to even agree to this deal Id still keep your number until I got the package in my hand
Ceara Lynch: and thats an IF
nfscheats: i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
Ceara Lynch: what doubt?
nfscheats: well the fact you *may* delete it
nfscheats: i have hope
nfscheats: that's what i need
nfscheats: just tell me what you want
Ceara Lynch: $50
nfscheats: from VS!!!!
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: why not?
Ceara Lynch: i have plenty of crap from there
nfscheats: u can never have enough
nfscheats: please ceara, i beg you
nfscheats: i just want to sleep - please let me this time
Ceara Lynch: I give you permission to sleep
nfscheats: but i need to have this off my chest
nfscheats: ceara my head is going to explode
nfscheats: just let me have some satisfaction
Ceara Lynch: okay well, whenever you have the $50 let me know
nfscheats: i have it
nfscheats: i can use it with VS
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: why not?
nfscheats: i'll spend 75 then
Ceara Lynch: i already fucking told you
nfscheats: you bitch!!
Ceara Lynch: youre a liar. if its worth $75 at VS it's worth $50 paypal. I know you're have no intentions of buying me anything. even if you do I DONT CARE because i have plenty of stuff from vs.
nfscheats: what can i do from you, anything but VS
nfscheats: i mean anything but Paypal
Ceara Lynch: youre out of luck, shit head
nfscheats: why must you fight with me!!
Ceara Lynch: because you fight back.
nfscheats: if i had you on the bed i'd have you tied and gagged
nfscheats: so i couldnt hear any shit from you
Ceara Lynch: hahahhaha
Ceara Lynch: i would have you arrested
nfscheats: why
nfscheats: isnt that what doms do?
Ceara Lynch: no, doms do the exact opposite
nfscheats: which is????
Ceara Lynch: not being tied and gagged? that's for subs like you, moron
nfscheats: but im not a sub
Ceara Lynch: you sure act like one
nfscheats: how? i made a fuckin mistake and become one??
nfscheats: cant u just untie me
Ceara Lynch: untie you? your on the internet dude
nfscheats: have you seen the movie "shortbus"
Ceara Lynch: no
nfscheats: you remind me of the girl who cant have an orgasm by a guy, only a girl
Ceara Lynch: hahaha, im not into girls at all
Ceara Lynch: funny
nfscheats: i saw you with anohter girl on ebanned
nfscheats: wearing her panties
Ceara Lynch: ive never worn another girls panties
nfscheats: yes you have
Ceara Lynch: I did an double auction where a girl wore mine, and another with my cousin where we wore our own
nfscheats: i could have swore i saw you wear another girls
Ceara Lynch: disgusting, not a chance
nfscheats: i think she was blonde
Ceara Lynch: all in your head
nfscheats: ceara im not bullshitting you
nfscheats: how dirty do your panties get?
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: and do you mostly wear thongs for bikinis
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: dont ask me questions like that you fucking loser
nfscheats: please just answer
Ceara Lynch: gotta go, boyfriend is here
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318 !
nfscheats: bullshit
nfscheats: you bitch!!
**signs off**


nfscheats: hey
Ceara Lynch: hi
nfscheats: hows life?
Ceara Lynch: fine
nfscheats: you gonna list an auctionn today
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: haha wtf
Ceara Lynch: you want to buy my panties?
nfscheats: why not
Ceara Lynch: because you gave me your CC # and I just laughed at you and called you a moron
Ceara Lynch: I still have it too
nfscheats: bs
nfscheats: u scraped it
Ceara Lynch: haha no, want me to find it?
nfscheats: i bet u cant
Ceara Lynch: one sec im doing something
Ceara Lynch: ah here it is
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
nfscheats: damnit bitch
Ceara Lynch: haha
Ceara Lynch: guess it's still accurate
nfscheats: oh well, u want to swipe it and give me some of your panties
nfscheats: my wifes dont smell half as good as yours
Ceara Lynch: I'm not giving you anything smart one
Ceara Lynch: man you're stupid
nfscheats: not as dumb as u
Ceara Lynch: umm, let's see, do I give my cc# out to greedy little bitches? no no that'd be you.
nfscheats: like i said it was a mistake
Ceara Lynch: a dumb mistake
Ceara Lynch: dumb dumb dumb
nfscheats: at least you havent been greedy with it.. i thank you for that
Ceara Lynch: why?
Ceara Lynch: you get off on this blackmail shit huh?
nfscheats: not at all
nfscheats: i'd way rather get off to your panties
Ceara Lynch: so why the fuck would you thank me for being greedy?
nfscheats: but would you be interested in watching my webcam?
Ceara Lynch: fuck no
Ceara Lynch: I'm not interested in doing anything with you but stressing you out and pissing you off
nfscheats: stress me out on webcam, tell me what to do with my cock ]
Ceara Lynch: cut it off
Ceara Lynch: feed it to a dog
nfscheats: ouch
nfscheats: i'd rather you just take care of it
Ceara Lynch: like pour acid on it?
Ceara Lynch: smash it with a mallet?
nfscheats: if your saliva is acid then yes
nfscheats: if your foot is a mallet then yes
Ceara Lynch: loser
nfscheats: i'll let you be
Ceara Lynch: let me be what?
nfscheats: yourself
Ceara Lynch: you idiot, i dont need you to let me be anything
nfscheats: hell yes i do
nfscheats: or else you'd kick my ass
Ceara Lynch: Stupid, I'm myself no matter what
Ceara Lynch: no one "lets" me be anything
nfscheats: you know what i mean
Ceara Lynch: No I dont, retard
nfscheats: just chill out
nfscheats: and finger yourself for me
Ceara Lynch: hahahaaha
nfscheats: i'd pay a lot to see you do that
Ceara Lynch: my ass you would. you're a fucking cheap loser
nfscheats: bullshit
nfscheats: i just havent gotten jack from you
nfscheats: i dont pay to watch a picture of you
Ceara Lynch: well other people DO. so you're not worth shit.
nfscheats: im worth a few mill actually
Ceara Lynch: HAHAH
Ceara Lynch: dude, you've lied to me SO many times, i can't bleieve you actually expect me to believe that
nfscheats: i dont need you to believe it
nfscheats: just imagine it
Ceara Lynch: if you were worth that much you wouldnt have whined like a little bitch over $20 on paypal
nfscheats: you whined too!!
Ceara Lynch: no i didnt i had your money stupid, i was laughing
nfscheats: youre plan mean
Ceara Lynch: duh
nfscheats: let me be
Ceara Lynch: let you be what? an idiot? i dont have to let you be that
nfscheats: ahhhhh im so frustrated
nfscheats: just let me be alone
Ceara Lynch: just stop talking to me moron
nfscheats: fine
Ceara Lynch: bye ! 4510563344563318
nfscheats: asshole
nfscheats: you cant get enough
Ceara Lynch: apparently you cant either
nfscheats: but why do you enjoy doing this to me, dont you have better things to do?
Ceara Lynch: not at the moment
Ceara Lynch: I have some time to kill and you're just soooo easy to rile up
nfscheats: isnt your b/f there
Ceara Lynch: no hes at work
nfscheats: he's probably "at work" with another chick
Ceara Lynch: haha okay
nfscheats: i bet you'd love to watch her suck his cock too
Ceara Lynch: I dont share you fantasies dude
nfscheats: how do i know?
Ceara Lynch: because i just told you
Ceara Lynch: idiot
nfscheats: you could be lying
nfscheats: like u usually are
Ceara Lynch: um, no i havnt lied to you once
Ceara Lynch: you, however, have fed me lots of bullshit
nfscheats: stop being miss princess
Ceara Lynch: i'll be whoever i want
Ceara Lynch: 4510563344563318
Ceara Lynch: hahahahha
nfscheats: you are such an ass
Ceara Lynch: I know, right?
nfscheats: but how can you expect me to buy your services
Ceara Lynch: I dont
Ceara Lynch: I would expect you to be AVOIDING me by now
nfscheats: but i have my cock out for you
Ceara Lynch: WHY???
Ceara Lynch: jesus christ youre unbelievable.
nfscheats: i just want a cam girl who is decent
Ceara Lynch: so go find one you fucking idiot
Ceara Lynch: why are you talking to me? I dont like you
nfscheats: you sort of do
Ceara Lynch: no, i like pissing you off
Ceara Lynch: BECAUSE I dont like you
nfscheats: fine whatever
Ceara Lynch: so go find yourself a camgirl you moron, i cant believe youre talking to me like I have any interest in your mini-dick other than to see it get castrated
nfscheats: wow i cant believe you just typed that
Ceara Lynch: really?
nfscheats: your little innocent 20 year old brain capable of so much hatge
Ceara Lynch: You're really surprised i said that? I've been saying shit like this to you since last time we talked
Ceara Lynch: I figured youd be used to it by now
nfscheats: not really
Ceara Lynch: hahahha
Ceara Lynch: you like it
Ceara Lynch: fucking loser
nfscheats: bllshit fuckin chicka
Ceara Lynch: then why do you keep talking to me?? I'm not nice to you in the least
Ceara Lynch: you know what to expect and you keep coming back for more
Ceara Lynch: masochistic freak
nfscheats: i hope to see you change
Ceara Lynch: hahah you think you can change me over yahoo messenger?
nfscheats: sort of
nfscheats: it wont hurt
nfscheats: well im going to go stroke my cock now
Ceara Lynch: no, it will hurt, because im going to make a myspace bulletin now with your cc#
nfscheats: you better not or there will be trouble
Ceara Lynch: yeah trouble for you
Ceara Lynch: this is what you get for being an idiot
nfscheats: just leave me alone for a bit
Ceara Lynch: nope, too late
Ceara Lynch: making it now
nfscheats: stop typing
nfscheats: go on to someone else, do a webcam show or something
Ceara Lynch: haha
Ceara Lynch: this is a lot more fun
Ceara Lynch: are you stroking your dick now at the thought of all my friends using your boss's cc#? hahahahhaha
nfscheats: hell no
nfscheats: i will watch a porn
Ceara Lynch: okay have fun
nfscheats: i will
Ceara Lynch: posted.
nfscheats: bs
nfscheats: youre all talk girl, dont you think i know that by now
Ceara Lynch: Ummm, okay whatever you think
Ceara Lynch: what do I have to lose?
nfscheats: well you cant prove yourself so whatever
nfscheats: what do i have to lose??
Ceara Lynch: your job
Ceara Lynch: wife
Ceara Lynch: etc
nfscheats: youre full of shit
Ceara Lynch: want me to take a screenshot and send it to you?
nfscheats: i dont believe you
nfscheats: sure
Ceara Lynch: okay one sec
Ceara Lynch: hey im trying to send
Ceara Lynch: there you go
nfscheats: you little slut!!!
nfscheats: FUCKIN HELL
Ceara Lynch: lol
nfscheats: im going to the office RIGHT NOW to sort this out
nfscheats: bye
Ceara Lynch: hahahaha!! tell me all about it later.