Our moral leader was again busy last evening, visiting the star-studded birthday bash of Mr Tee Reel. A man who, from the looks of the party goers, is keeping things a little too real.
The beautiful people were out in force, trying to convince themselves that the presence of some photographers elevated the event to Hollywood red carpet standards. Deluded whores are funny.
here for the source pics.
Ok, deep breaths.... let's plunge straight in.
Well, if it isn't Maya and a chick that we will from now on refer to only as OJ, since she's clearly on some beta carotene thing or just uses carrot as a foundation.
Can you make it look as though your neck's broken? I find that kind of thing very strokeworthy.
Ah, the lovely Leah and a blond who's serious about finishing her drink. According to IAFD, Leah's appeared in a massive 7--yep, 7--adult movies. If that doesn't make her a porn star, I dunno what does. Hey, ladies, have we seen her in that outfit before?
Yes, you do have nice tits, but Monstar wants his belt buckle back. Don't you know his people died so you could wear that? There was an accident at the casino.
Coordination is obviously not her strong suit.
This is the response you get when you say "Have you got any Jew in you? Would you like some?"
I thought Christian was out of the country. I must be wrong.
I thought she was Russian or something, but here she looks like a New Jersey wiseguy's bitch.
Moments after this was taken, she pulled too hard and performed a full back flip by accident.
Close ups can be so cruel.
Still, at least she's not wearing some shapeless red sack.
I imagine that massive left hand pretty much rules her out of handjob movies.
Coquettish? Nope. If non-industry people see these images, will they be jealous they weren't there?
Possession is supposed to be nine tenths of the law or something. Tee Reel, you touched it, you bought it, you're welcome to it.
Work is tight in the industry right now. Some porn whores can't afford new outfits and simply go to parties wearing their handbags.
"The source of the fire was later found to be a cursed gemstone. The blaze tore through the venue, instantly killing everyone inside" Just once I'd like to wake up to this headline.
Are you messaging your friends and telling them to try somewhere else? I bet you are.
White people should never offer skin like this. It just looks lame. Plus whores usually have trouble with the whole counting part of it "Gimme how many again?"
The Camera of Death meets the Breasts of Disappointment.