If anyone had ever lost faith in Luke, then this thread should restore it. We're looking at the work of a man at the top of his game.
The look of horror on her face when she spots Luke is priceless.....
How quickly does she recover? No sign of gum disease either, which is nice.
Sometimes saying words is difficult. Especially if your batteries are running down.
You know the face you pull when you bump into someone you
really don't want to talk to?
From the body language and his proximity to her and angle, I'm pretty sure she's telling him anal is off tonight's menu.
I wonder if we'll ever be able to work out why he goes for petite Asian chicks......
My hair would stand on end if I woke up next to that. It's understandable.
Is there any event she won't attend? Does she even have a home?
Chicks with great racks like Jersey need to let 'em hang out.
One chick who can't put a dress on properly, and her royal friend Princess Underbite.
What're you looking at? Seriously. I can't tell. I find people like you very disconcerting when you're behind me at the ATM.
Yes, I think we've seen enough. Feel free to button up now.
The danger is always that porn chicks will take acting lessons. Not all of them, though.
I don't know if this is a Thundercat or not, but I wouldn't recommend getting between it and the buffet.
There's a common misconception that there are no virgins in Los Angeles. Beg to differ.
If your breasts resemble polythene bags filled with water, sideless dresses are a bad idea. At least you haven't got any str......
Oh. My bad.