I agree, i wish I could ban people, I would be sick with power! on adt I would take out dac first, then i would pick user names I think are stupid or people whos icons are way bigger than anyone elses, then I would get drunk and start telling people if they didnt say i was the greatest porn chick in the world they would be banned, then i would make them all submit pics and i would pick a sample frojm the group to come service me.

wanna hear a funny true story that supports your point. Some one yelled at me for saying "porn chick" they said it wa disrespectful to porn actresses, i about shit my pants cause i refer to most of my friends as "hooker" hahahaa now that is taking censorship to far!

make me a moderator plz plz I will bring people to the board!@ even if I have to offer sexual favors to get them to post...........I can taste the power, and smell the singed monkey fur