hate Luke's new album style. All this uploading pics here really blows. But we persevere.
Stinky Winkie realizes that staring into the Camera of Death is indeed like looking down the barrels of a 12 gauge.
Gia provided the music for the evening, a compilation CD of featuring the sound of children being stung by insects. She knew the Alt crowd would be up and dancing to that within minutes.
As suggested, Gia had doped herself up on tranqs in case she flew into one of her famous Turtle Neck Rages.
When normal people sunbathe, they use a reflector or mirror to pump light onto their faces. Alt chicks use black plastic so their skin stays pasty white.
If you want the Alt budget, you've got to beg with your ass.
The Hair Club for Men is currently recruiting in
your area!
Despite his best efforts, Winkie couldn't make it look like anyone was waiting in line.....
In 10 years time, look out for this man in this pose on the gold-covered sidewalks of Chatsworth.
The problem with this much ink is that no matter how expensive your dress, it'll still look shit.
Hiding her face in shame, Luke catches an Alt porner with a sun tan.
Since most fans of Alt porn are around 13 years old, it's hardly surprising she isn't fighting off potential suitors with a shitty stick.
"The only thing dark about me is my roots"
Spit that out! You should know that Alt porners don't eat food. Ever. They get all of their nourishment from the bitterness in their hearts. And French poetry.
The 'Bring Your Own Pixie' idea was a winner. Particularly if
your pixie happened to be one Sting rescued from the Amazon....