Even I find it hard generating the energy to post this. When people like this fight, there is no winner.
From Gene Ross: " Dana from Dame Productions writes Craig Valentine: Craig,
Hello. It has been sometime since we have heard from you or about you. Regarding your product, Craig, after speaking with Ed, and having had several talks about what to do with the overpayments versus your product and well we came up with three options which are as follows:
1.) Ship you back your product short of the overpayment.
2.) Hold product until payment is received from Club Summer Haze to Dane for all overpayments (reports will be provided if needed).
3.) Ship product back to you and let the legal teams, handle all matters.
Considering the last email from you dated 4/26/07, did not clearly state what you intentions truly are at this point besides sending the L.A.P.D., Dane is not really sure how you want to go about this matter.
We have been under the impression that your legal team would be contacting us, but hasn't up until this point. Please you will need to contact our office anytime Mon-Fri., between the hours 8 AM- 4 PM PST. Our toll free number is 888-390-0767 my extension is 5 and Ed's extension is 16. You can ask to either speak with myself or Ed, and let us know moving forward how we are going to handle this. If for some reason it is already being handled by your legal team, then we will wait to be served with papers.
In long and short of it all: "I would really appreciate it, if you keep my name out of your mouth, when speaking with others about your experiences with Dane!!!"
Just let the records show that if you use my name or any of those from Dane Productions, Inc., out of context, I will personally see you in court for SLANDER.
Best regards,
Dane Productions, Inc.
> Valentine responds: This is being cced to gene ross and mike south and several others. My certified letter has been refused by DANE. I will not talk on the Phone i do all via email so it in print. You owe me money. I dont not trust your records. Even on the report you said si the right one DANE has almost 4,000.00 in unpaid on my product. The product you have is mine not yours and again my option to you ship MY product back and i will not persue collections on monies owed to me.
If you dont i will keep it with the collection agent and if i catch DANE selling my units this is my work my copyrighted material that numberous time instucted DANE they have no rights to use,sell or display. Any answer you send i will foward twoards the news boards.
As far as usign DANEs name or yours in slander becareful how you wheald this sword alli am is stating supported facts and when i stated my opinion i did its called 1st amendment rights.......
But here is one for you as well and this is my opinion What did Bob due with the MDA monies he collected in past stories he said he donated the monies, his last statement to gene ross said he didnt know ask ED...sounds like a pass off or sweep under the rug.....
and one more item as dishonest as ED has been and his reputation as of late for ripping people off i would like people to write in on this and i think everyone will agree i think nothing should be done til MY dvd's land on my dock. i got 3 stories form you how they shipped ect.."
Nice to see Craig's English is as good as Lori's. What an amazing coincidence.