
a witness for hire? i am a witness for the insurance companies who need a medical evaluation of someone. if thats a witness for hire then so be it. i can tell you the last 7 times i went to court only 5 of the "patients" even had the injuries they were claiming. and im not the only doctor to check on them. thjey want 2 or 3 opinions so they dont base it on one doc's opinion.

i feel guilty for nothing...except stealing my brothers hot wheels when we were kids...but it was fun to keep telling him they werent his.

any other questions ?

Come on! Is nobody seeing this? A doctor? he says he is a doctor! Bart, you are not trying to tell us you have a doctorate in medicine. A doctor of Paranormal psychology I would not even believe. Bart, its not that everyone trusts that you are a doctor. I am just thinking they missed it. A doctor..... please.