A while back I mentioned a porn that focused heavily on rape and it wasn't until Gia and TMonty expressed some interest in it that I thought about reviewing it. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about this until this morning. Sorry kids.
Hot Summer in the City was filmed in 1974 by Gail Palmer starring former 1967 Playboy Playmate of the Year and 1966 Playboy Playmate of the Month November, Lisa Baker. Not surprisingly, this was a difficult film to put out considering the fact that the story revolved around a gang of black males that kidnap a young helpless white girl and gang rape her in a cabin out in the boondocks.
Lisa plays Debbie, a Christian girl with very deep morals (she won't even let her fiance touch it) who comes home one day (after being heavily fondled by said fiance) to find her mother having a threesome with two male strangers (none of which is her dad). The male getting fellated calls Debbie's mother a "stupid bitch" and requests his friend to "hurry up" so he can get a turn. Debbie is so distraught over what she has seen that she goes running into the night and ending up in a rather dark alley. This is where things start to get heated:
A white Cadillac rolls up beside her and four black males begin taunting her. When one of the men mentions how he would love to have a piece of her fine white ass, Debbie realizes she's in real danger and sprints across the lawn in a desperate attempt to escape, but is soon captured by the four men. She screams for help, but the guy that gets out of his door to see what all the noise is about quickly closes it and allows the hooligans to kidnap Debbie.
Once in the car she is abused verbally and even rapped by one of the more enthusiastic gang members, while one of the younger brothers watches on and the driver (also the leader)- Duke, taunts them to really give it to her.
They finally end up at some shack where Debbie has to clean, cook and fetch beers for the gang. Duke has designs of keeping Debbie to himself and instructs his gang they are not to touch her, but they ain't having it. They finally conclude on having a poker game where the winner gets to have Debbie- and boink her unceremoniously infront of the company if he so wishes.
Duke ends up loosing and is so pissed he retires for the night. The guy that wins has problems convincing Debbie to give it up so he gathers his homeboys and beats the shit out of her until she is literally gagging for it.
The next morning (or night) Duke's bitch Black Orchid arrives and is pissed to find the four of them fighting over "a white honkey". She threatens to kill Debbie, but at this point, Duke kinda prefers Debbie so he instructs his gang to rape his lady. They all watch and laugh- then Debbie gets boinked too. After that things get so heated it's one of those "you gotta see it" moments.
Conclusion: the soundtrack is insanely groovy (eg. Leader of the Pack by The Shangri-Las), the dialogue is genius and the acting is attrocious. Regardless of what the DVD box says, this doesn't have a load of extras (unless you consider a trailer loads of extras) and isn't widescreen (it fscking full screen) and the sound is muddy and chopped i.e. it's perfect.
Hot Summer in The City? APPROVED!