You're right, they are a loose organization of Islamic militants, that's part of the reason why they are as dangerous and can be as effective as they are, and the media and politicians alike tend to overstate their strength whether it be for newspaper sales or reelection campaigns. I agree with you about AQ being used as a tool for whatever reason and being a bogeyman to scare John Q. Public. You could argue that the term "al-Qaeda" is a misnomer or catch all phrase for Islamic militants that want to kill Americans/westerners. You could call them "pink fuzzy bunny slippers" for all I care, but the fact is, currently, UBL identifies himself as AQ, he gives instructions and motivation as AQ figurehead and terror groups carry out attacks under the name AQ. Who coined the term doesn't worry me. For the most part we agree here.


I've done a lot of reading. A lot. And nowhere can I find mention of al Qaeda prior to 9/11.

Here is a declassified memo about AQ before 9/11 from GWU/National Archives

And Dr. Saad Al-Fagih speaks about AQ in Afghanistan against the Russians pre 9/11
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