Fuck, this is difficult. What do you do when two of the biggest egos in the industry just have at it? Who do you support? Personally, I hope this ends badly for the pair of them.
Kurt hating on Wankus from AdultFYI: "Kurt Lockwood writes: Hey Gene,
I was incorrectly cited as a source for a dj [Batman] returning to Ksex. I have no knowledge of any of this.
I'm just glad one particular loud-mouth hanger-on loser who used to work for ksex before he was FIRED has finally had his weak con-job called and he has lost his bully pulpit.
Plus, it's awesome how it came out that Skankus had A TOTAL OF TEN LISTENERS, haha! What a waste of time! What a loss of investment! Who would EVER give this liar another job? He's what they call in Hollywood "Box Office Poison, haha". TEN LISTENERS? That's the funniest thing I've heard in lonng time. He acted like he was such an "industry insider."
With TEN LISTENERS? Haha. What a joke! What a fraud! What a bullshitter! Apparently, he wasn't even worth it to his boss at KSEX, haha. No wonder he had to PAY YOU to post his stupid, hate rants, otherwise with his grand total of TEN LISTENERS, no one would have known this loser wannabe ever existed at all.
Skankus, face it, despite your cornball, lame attempts at infiltrating our industry (like your legendary "wood-less" set failures- TRYING desperately to "perform" as male talent, haha), you were NEVER really a part of our industry, just another hanger-on bullshitter wannabe with an over-inflated sense of self-worth trying to disgustingly scam blowjobs from beginning level new girls who didn't know any better.
And certainly with your boss saying you only had TEN LISTENERS proves you really had no worth in our industry either AT ALL and now that you are gone, look, nobody who is REALLY in the industry has barely even noticed. I guess you won't be able to give yourself anymore awards, huh? Dumb-ass. Good riddance to bad rubbish, bitch.
P.S. I am surprised that old, shot-out, reject, hag Rebecca Love could take time out of her busy hooker schedule to even show up to retire. Do you put your kids to bed before your trick comes over, Rebecca? Does social services know?
Gene sez: For the record, I never received a dime from KSEX although for years Wankus extended me promotional consideration by running Adultfyi ads."
All good, Kurt. Except you kind of miss the whole concept of irony here. Laughing your ass off about Wankus only having 10 listeners the day after you've just gone on to KSEX? How many tuned in for your fun filled chat with The Artist Formerly Known As Officer?
Bigger irony about the KSEX audience? You jerking yourself in to a frenzy on MySpace about your movies being
given away in France and Spain by magazines. What sort of wholesale price were you given on those? I'm guessing.....shitty.
But it's nice to see you hating on people just as much as you claim people hate on you. Hey if the shirt fits, wear it.