Over at
Lukeisback.com Luke's picked up on a posting Donny Pauling made on XXXChurch.com.
Donny gets all touchy feely about the whores he wronged by dragging in to porn and then tugs at your heart strings with this final paragraph:
"Lately I’ve been making an attempt to contact former models. I want to let them know that I am no longer producing porn, and that I wish to apologize for ever getting them involved in the business. After apologizing, if the conversation continues, I also want to interview those who are willing to be interviewed. I want to find out if working with my former business has had any effect on their life.
Last week I sent a MySpace message to one of them. Here is her reply:
Huh… funny you should write. I just got a fresh reminder of why I regret everyday doing what I did for your business. Thanks for that.She hasn’t bothered replying to the follow up message I sent."
Nice try to rub Christian salt in to the wound, Donny. Now drop and give me 20 while you're at your self loathing.