Since this thread has uniquely been derailed by infighting and bitching, maybe I can get it back on track.
Disappointingly, Luke hasn't presented us with too much gold here, but since that's never stopped him, why should we be different?
How about this for encapsulating 'rock and a hard place'?
It's Kentucky Derby time isn't it?
One eye bigger than the other? Large gums? Strangely plain features? I predict great things for Mckenzie.
Suddenly the music stopped, and Donny was struck by the awkwardness of the situation....
"I think I made a fudgie!"
"Thas what I'm talkin' bout, from the back man, only look at it from the back!"
"Dang. I looked at the face and I got a little bit sick in my mouth"
Apparently, Jenny Hendrix is a porn star.
Talk about finding your target audience.
Have you ever wanted to jerk off and then feel really guilty about it after? Use this pic before your pushups for ultimate self-loathing.
Part time job at Sardo's?
Remembering the last time he had fava beans and a nice chianti.
The angle of the lipstick suggests she did that herself. Kinda sad really.
"Blitney Speals! You give me good rapdance for many dorrars Blitney Speals!"