Sorry, Malice, but I have to say that Smartt beat you both on technical merit as well as overall presentation. It's kind of like a Science Fair, my homo friend. You WANT to give first place to eveyone, but someone has to lose.
This time, you lost. For the remainder of the day, I will have to address you as Loser.
As many bottle caps told me when I checked to see if I won a contest, "Please try again."
Put down the Ho-Ho's that your fat ass constantly ingests and give back something substantial to the world of pornography. You have taken so much! Is it too much to ask you to give just a little bit back?
I spoke with your boss and he has cleared your schedule tomorrow from 9:00 am until 10:00 am to turn in something better.
Please Be All You Can Be! The Army of Ass will surely take a sad sack such as yourself if you can demonstrate some ability other than your uncanny talent of fitting your 44-inch lard ass into your size 40 pants.
Humbly yours,