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#24030 - 05/03/04 03:55 AM
Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performers
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
I was reading Luke Ford this morning. Saw Wanker Wang post something about Slain Wayne shooting someone on the first generation HIV list. Apparently, the girl that was in the scene wasn't even aware that the guy was on the list.
Your thoughts?
#24031 - 05/03/04 03:58 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performers
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 2742
and whats really sad is she probably only got $50
#24032 - 05/03/04 04:19 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA
meatholes buys or bought content from Slain Wayne. Is this still true?
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock
#24033 - 05/03/04 04:25 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 2742
i dunno, Slain seems like such a nice dude. He seems pretty straight up and in the few interactions with him he has been very intellegant,and professional. to shoot a chick with a quarentine and not tell her is just flat out mean, i wonder if this is the whole story.The only fault I have ever seen with him is he insists on befriending the most insane people.
*i take it back after reading his "side" its fishy as hell
Edited by Kami (05/03/04 01:51 PM)
#24034 - 05/03/04 05:29 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA
I have heard of people who believe you can't transmit HIV via a BJ. I think odds are lower, buy maybe not if the girl has a tongue-bolt.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock
#24035 - 05/03/04 06:58 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
Slain Wayne's side of the story is that he walked in on them already engaging in a sexual act, so he decides to film it.
#24036 - 05/03/04 07:27 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 12/12/03
Posts: 822
Loc: San Pornando Valley
meatholes buys or bought content from Slain Wayne. Is this still true?
We do not buy slain wayne content. We currently run 5 sites for him. We just run the sites and get a percentage.
As for what happened we dont know what happened. You can never believe whats tossed up at lukeford. Im sure I will hear the real story today.
#24038 - 05/03/04 08:32 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser
Registered: 06/18/03
Posts: 46
The girl was at his house. Slain Wayne called Max Blacc in for a BJ scene. It wasn't 'spur of the moment' as he said cause he knew Max was on the List the entire time. We talked about it several days before. Any thoughts of 'oh I forgot' is nothing but a bucket of horseshit.
I hope Slain is happy. If he wants, I'd be more than willing to send him some HIV+ performers his way to shoot so he can conveniently forget.
Incidentally, the girl was never informed she worked with someone on the First Generation list until I told her yesterday.
#24040 - 05/03/04 09:19 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
That's wrong what he did to that girl then. He risked her life.
Eye for an eye, man. Make him suck that dude's dick.
#24043 - 05/03/04 11:00 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
She had to cancel about a month's worth of work. If she sues, she can try to reclaim those lost wages?
#24044 - 05/03/04 11:52 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 12/08/03
Posts: 247
Loc: Tone
She had to cancel about a month's worth of work. If she sues, she can try to reclaim those lost wages?
you bet your ass, and if she's smart she needs to see physiologist because of the stress. hell here best bet would be to have a breakdown go to the emergency room get sedated and then get referred to psychologist. her stress level must be through the roof. hell if i was her i would be having nightmare, that is when i could sleep. i wouldn't be able eat and when i did i would probably just get sick anyway. like i said earlier the mental stress is what would really cost them and shit i would hope SW doesn't have a contract with anyone cause if he was shooting it for company (which would most likely have deeper pockets then him) they could be sewed also, as he might be thought of as a representative for them. just talking out my ass though, i would be willing to bet that she could throw a dart at phone book and fined a lawyer that would to have a case like that.
#24045 - 05/03/04 01:07 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
I bet she doesn't know she can do this. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if he she remains a victim because of fear of being blacklisted.
#24046 - 05/03/04 02:18 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/21/04
Posts: 3899
Loc: CO Springs
Nobody is going to sew anyone. This isn't Silence of The Lambs.
you mean my days having fun while being fundamentally superior to you? - Jamesn
#24048 - 05/03/04 04:37 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 06/02/03
Posts: 764
If you ask me the whore shouldnt be sucking and fucking every miscellaneous dick that comes along. If she is in the biz she should be a little more professional about it and ask to see a test. Also any whore that would fuck some guy she knows is in the biz without looking at the quarntine list first is playing with fire. Especially these days. I mean its not like the HIV outbreak hasnt been all over the news, all around the world. Ultimately if you are an adult and you are fucking for fun or money and there is no gun pointed at your head you should be responsible for yourself. Do you think Maxx Blaqq should introduce himself to everyone he meets like this "Hi I am Maxx Blaqq. I am on the first generation list of the Darren James/Laura Roxx H.I.V. outbreak.How are you today? I'm shitting my pants! Thank you very much." At this stage in the game no one should be fucking anybody untill everyone is tested and clean. If you do and you get infected its your own fault. Sorry about this rant. Had to do it. PHATBOY P.S. I got my test back today. I got a D.  (Better than an F)
#24049 - 05/03/04 04:54 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 12/08/03
Posts: 247
Loc: Tone
Do you think Maxx Blaqq should introduce himself to everyone he meets like this "Hi I am Maxx Blaqq. I am on the first generation list of the Darren James/Laura Roxx H.I.V. outbreak.How are you today? I'm shitting my pants! Thank you very much."
If he plans on letting them suck his dick yes, but is she a retard for not knowing, well yeah shit even my grandma asked me about it. So does that give them the right to take advantage of a retard, no
#24051 - 05/03/04 06:19 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
Should Blaqq even be engaging in anything sexual right now?
#24052 - 05/03/04 06:29 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
ADT regular
Registered: 04/29/04
Posts: 7
the industry should make an example of this first generation guy who still out there fucking around... if this industry doesnt shun this guy, and end his carreer then nothing will ever change... does anyone in this biz have the balls to stand up and tell this guy to go crawl under a rock somewhere and never show his face in porn valley again? i doubt it....somebody please prove me wrong
#24053 - 05/03/04 06:35 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser
Registered: 06/18/03
Posts: 46
Mr Poo, Slain is a fucking moron. He fucked up for the rest of us because this fucking idiot deliberately planned a shoot, shot it with a 1st generation guy, then got model releases.
Listen Poo, imagine this, MeatCash boy, Domino is at your house sucking off, let's say, Darren James. Do you instantaneously forget he's on the Patient Zero list? Then get your camera, put in a tape, check the balance, check the focus then shoot it? Or do you punch Darren James in the mouth and throw him out the window from Boogie Nights.
If Slain Wayne didn't know, he should be banned from the industry for being a fucking imbecile. If Slain Wayne knew, he should be shot in the head for being a fucking selfish fuckface.
Either way, I know what happened. I heard rumors about it the day afterwards. All this horseshit about "I happened to catch them in the act and took my time to get my camera to shoot it" is a bunch of fucking horseshit. Fuck Slain Wayne, Fuck Kid Vegas, and Fuck You. Nobody's not that fucking stupid.
Slain Wayne fucked shit up for all of us. I've been getting nothing but calls all day about the Fucking Idiot that is Slain Wayne.
I have a new website for Slain Wayne. It's called HIV-POV.com. What a great site for MeatCash.
Wanker Wang
ex-Meatholes Partner
Edited by wankerwang (05/03/04 06:37 PM)
#24055 - 05/03/04 07:48 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
good points...
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.
#24057 - 05/03/04 08:17 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
I place more blame on Maxxx Blac (so many spellings on his name), but that doesn't mean that Slain Wayne isn't in the wrong.
#24059 - 05/03/04 08:34 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 12/03/03
Posts: 255
Loc: DoodyVille
Wanker Wang is my hero. Seriously, I love the way this guy goes off on motherfuckers. I remember him from Extreme back in the day. Man, he crucified Mike South and some others. He's got a way of intelligently dissecting someone as a buffoon. Very readable and humorous. GO GIT EM WW!!!!!
#24060 - 05/03/04 09:47 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/18/03
Posts: 706
Loc: Las Vegas
Wanker is right,for what Slain Wayne did by using a (possibly infected)quarantined first generation male performer on a shoot was absolutely wrong,for Slain will be lucky if he's back shooting his mucho underground no budget horror films,only if he can make it out from this real-life tragic mess alive(and in one piece).
#24061 - 05/03/04 10:28 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
I wish Slain Wayne would come on here to defend himself. I know he posts on a few other boards.
#24063 - 05/04/04 12:56 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 2742
one of the news sites says he says hes retiring, doesnt want the drama anymore
#24064 - 05/04/04 01:09 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
He'll probably try to come back once the heat is gone.
#24066 - 05/05/04 09:21 AM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
Luke Ford said that the girl is suing Slain Wayne now.
#24067 - 05/05/04 12:07 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
ADT regular
Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 4
Eric has no money. Khan Tusion does. She should sue Meatholes for this shit since the scene was undboubtedly shot on their behalf.
Gen, she actually can sue for actions of this type. The emotional trauma is the angle along with her name being tarnished forever.
Mr Poo, Chico made you look like the fucking moron you are. The more you defend the actions of Eric, the worse you look.
The shit that Tony Sexton is pulling along with the shit Eric just pulled is not cool for our industry.
Edited by TonyMalice (05/06/04 06:16 AM)
#24068 - 05/05/04 12:43 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
ADT regular
Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 4
Oh but wait, it was all spur of the moment... What a bunch of shit.
#24069 - 05/05/04 12:46 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 2742
I agree poo shouldnt stick up for slain but cant the four of us just stick to one ID so I can keep straight who is who
#24070 - 05/05/04 12:54 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 12/12/03
Posts: 822
Loc: San Pornando Valley
if you took what i said as sticking up for Slain you need to re read it. I was just stating the facts i heard from people involved.
I AM NOT DEFENDING SLAIN WAYNE AND HIS ACTIONS. I am mearly telling it the way i have heard it from all the invloved parties.
For someone who has only 2 posts you are very suspioius. I doubt you are a newbie. And as for suing us thats a load of shit. We run slains sites. Hows does that make us involved? Because we have money? Think...if we have money we must also have fucking great lawyers. Slain shot that crap - we did not... Fucking dumbass. 
#24071 - 05/05/04 03:28 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
Based on his comments on this board, Mr.Poo is very committed to Meat Holes. Meat Holes has a business relationship of some sort with Slain Wayne. This could be why he's defending Slain Wayne. The guy's just doing his job.
#24073 - 05/05/04 03:46 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 04/25/04
Posts: 107
slain wayne.....isnt that kind of a faggy name?
#24074 - 05/05/04 03:54 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 848
Mr.Poo, was Slain Wayne shooting this infamous scene for you guys or was it for himself?
I'm asking those tough to answer questions like a true porn reporter. I feel like Fayner.
#24076 - 05/05/04 05:09 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
ADT regular
Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 4
Poo, you're full of fucking shit. A) look at the financials. Who does the fucking processing for his sites? It's MEATCASH. Who pays his bills? MEATCASH. Every penny he derives is from MEATCASH. ERIC IS THE PRODUCER HIRED BY MEATCASH TO SHOOT SCENES. Just like TT's ass will be sued, so will KT's. KT in his zeal to get big hired the wrong people to shoot for him and this will cost him. AND YOU FEEL IT.
Newbie- No i'm not. I've seen bigmouth fucking piGs like you talk shit when the going is good and then backtrack during times like this. YOU MOTHERFUCKES WANT TO PUSH THE ENVVELOPE? WELL YOU PUSHED IT TO FUCKING FAR. Tell KT to stat stuffing those evelopes with cash. THIS WILL COST HIM. FUCK YOU!
Edited by TonyMalice (05/06/04 06:34 AM)
#24077 - 05/05/04 05:11 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
ADT regular
Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 4
yeah, Eric shot a blow job scene for his slainwayne site. That's his gossipy frontend. You look like an idiot. EVERY PENNY HE MAKES COMES FROM YOUR COMPANY.
#24079 - 05/05/04 06:00 PM
Re: Slain Wayne Shooting First Generation Performe
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 12/12/03
Posts: 822
Loc: San Pornando Valley
Go fuck yourself, idiot. We process him so that means we are liable?? You are a genius. I cant even say how smart you are. Quit your day job at McDonalds and become a lawyer. So if a random director on his own volition shoots someone, ONE of the companies he works for should be sued? I guess we should make all directors that shoot contents for their OWN sites ask our permission before shooting. You are brilliant. Eric does his own thing. He also edits for a lot of companies. They should sue them as well. They must be to blame too! LOL
Pushing the envelope too far? Let me guess...you hate Meatholes. and JUST Meatholes. One of 16 websites of ours. I love how you must have a hatred for ONE of the 3 owners of the sites, since you seem to think he alone is behind all of our stuff. Pretty pathetic and chicken shit if you ask me. Get your facts straight before you yap away....
Oh and no eric is not hired by us. We run his sites and we take a percentage of the sales. If you dont like the truth, TOO FUCKING BAD.
Fuckin baby...
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