
<---- jerk_schitt

I like this one, it personifies me.


Come on Cho Jr. Don't sing it, bring it. Don't take your anger out on anyone, relatives, friends, etc. Take it out on yourself. Slam your head into your monitor or punch your mirror when you see the failure that is yourself. Then, you'll realize you were a dumbass for letting some douchebag on a message board piss you straight off with his words.

You still don't get it, do you dumb fuck? It's not about a message board, it's about people who talk shit for any other purpose than to hear themselves talk. This just happens to be a message board, where I can't act upon my own rebuttal. My diatribes on this message board are far less pathetic than the crap, like this, which you post.

At least I'm willing to back myself up, you're just a cunt.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron