
Raoul Duke's last resort: Tranny pics. Nice try tranny chaser.

I haven't seen any in this thread. Conceipt defeat, bubba.

Or are you one of those types that isn't capable of such & will allow people to beat you until you wind up in the hospital?


Between your 1000+ posts here and your 1000+ posts at the other board it doesn't seem to leave much room for anything else. you also post in threads where you have nothing to say at all with such classic posts as "ouch" ect.

You must admit though, Dane, that there are many others who use the classic posts & graemlins like BOEUF and Pastrycunt. It's not doing any justice to just point & laugh at Raw Doody for such errs on the board, at least Raoul has a stash of worthy photos to make the reply somewhat entertaining. Originality sure has it's virtues.



Actually, I always had a thing for Harlan. You know, the little geek in the lab coat who pretended to fix their rice burners? Something about that nappy, nappy hair...


The reply above highlights a complete lack (or disregard) of originality, although it's easy for him to accuse others of it (in other threads). Originality = entertainment.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron