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Kick Ass Offers Nappy Video Profits to Imus
By: David Sullivan
Posted: 11:59 am PDT 5-8-2007
GLENDALE, Calif. - Kick Ass Pictures announced today that $1 from each sale of its upcoming release Nappy Headed Ho's will be put aside in a retirement fund for radio personality Don Imus.
Imus made worldwide headlines after he was fired by CBS Radio on April 12 for calling the Rutgers University women's basketball team "nappy headed ho's." Just last week, it was reported that Imus is suing CBS Radio for money owed on his contract.
"We're going to just give Imus the money and he can use it however he likes for his retirement since it seems the chances of him getting another job in radio are slim to none," Kick Ass head Mark Kulkis told AVN. "We haven't heard from Imus yet, but we're already getting a lot of calls from the press since we issued the release this morning."
"We see this as a free speech issue," added Kulkis. "As an adult media company, we're especially defensive of free speech. Don Imus is a loudmouth and perhaps a bigot. However, CBS Radio was hypocritical in hiring Imus to be blunt and outspoken, then firing him for the same reason. Fellow broadcast personalities Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson spew anti-gay slurs, yet they are not fired by their networks."
Kick Ass' press release explains, "Nappy Headed Ho's stars girls with closely twisted or curled hair (the dictionary definition of "nappy"), who have sex for money (the dictionary definition of "ho")."
"If Imus doesn't choose to accept the money we collect, then we'll donate it to the United Negro College Fund," Kulkis said.
Pre-sales and more information about the movie can be found online at
For more info about Kick Ass Pictures, visit the company's site at