
I don't know... just making assumptions consider the last few days wonderful events, which are to be left unsaid unless otherwise needed.

Lisa Ann runs/owns Clear Talent Management, Mia is no longer on CTM's website. Nuf said.

First the Super Pimp, than the Jew, now Lisa Ann? Did I miss anyone? How can one of the hottest whores in porn go through so many agents, yet doesn't have a reputation of flaking (so far as I know)?


My only comment about this is in reference to "they graduated in the same class" earlier on. Take a look at the methhead with the receeding hairline on the left, maybe it's a class reunion?


Her name is Ange Venus. I don't watch Max's movies these days, but I remember her from a recent Rodney Moore effort. One of the Goo Girls I think.

Awesome, another fanboi ID.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron