

Great promotional move by Lucy Lee. Before yesterday I had no idea who she was. Now I do. There is no such thing as bad publicity. [Ava are you reading this?]

Is this in reference to me not wanting to go on the Maury Povivich show whith Mia? cause i'm not quite getting the point

The point is this, being exposed to millions of people is never a bad thing. Is there a strong chance you will look unflattering? Yeah. But the more important thing is that the audience may be intrigued and look into your movies and career. Flat out, your more marketable. However, I would not agree to do the show unless the producers agreed to mention Adam and Eve and Mia's site consistently through the show.

I don't know your reasons for not wanting to do Maury, and I imagine they are quite personal. If you want to be a celebrity, reputation and fear of family and friends discovering your career are not luxuries you can afford. Opportunities for mass exposure don't come along every day for adult performers. Sunny Lane looked like a spas on Primetime, but more people know who she is and now she can move more product. Jenna didn't make it to where she is because of her performance skills, its because so many people know her name.

One other thing. The only reason Maury wants you on the show is because you and Mia are sisters and its a great angle. For marketing purposes, the two of you are more marketable and interesting as a pair than you are individually.

I've yet to hear a negative outcome which would outweigh the benefits of this appearance. What is it that has you so concerned?

Edited by Moxie (04/06/07 08:00 PM)
"This thing is ready to do damage!"