Now come on, that testimony is thousands of years old and shaky at best. We have no actual eye witness reports and there were rumors that the alleged victim was seen walking around a few days later.
I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH
Now come on, that testimony is thousands of years old and shaky at best. We have no actual eye witness reports and there were rumors that the alleged victim was seen walking around a few days later.
LOL, that's fucking beautiful.
_________________________ "You know this is right? You sound like an ADT person. I want to poop on you." -Malice
Dean Wormer
Registered: 08/05/05
Posts: 2116
Loc: Faber College
Quote: Thanks a million for killing the son of God!
The Romans kill him but the Jews get the blame. Go figure.
_________________________ It was a wonderful community with some very enjoyable members. But the vast majority were like German housewives circa 1943 prenteding that horrib;le smell wafting through their open windowsd was just the neighbors having a cookout..--Windsock
Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 8160
Loc: Roma, Repubblica Italiana
Quote: Was running late this morning and greeted by empty roads as all of NY's jews slept late in observence of Pass Over. Made meeting with time to kill.
Thanks Jews and Happy Passover!
Passover in NY: all the goyim get seats on the subway.
_________________________ "All my years in p*rn didn't quite prepare me for childbirth. I mistakenly thought all the stretching I did would make this easier."