

Well... So, here is my guess... ok? You.... are Lisa Ann... Or one of her bitches, and I am not limiting that word bitch to just females...

OH! And by the way... I have only been with Direct, Mark S, And Clear... soooooo... Shove that where ever its gonna make u smile... please.. Do some research before you make attempts to insult me while hiding behind your screen name.

PS! Your right, I did get fucked up. everyone knows that I fought drug addictiion. But, the fight is over wether you belive me or not is the last thing on my mind.
Almost everyone I have brushed shoulders with IN LIFE not just in porno world, has tired or been addicted to something... So don't play High and Mighty... Drug problem, mental problem, BI POLAR, same thing right? :: sigh ::
I openly admitted to having a problem and LOOSING my fucking life to it... I know I was a piece of shit... Next?

And if my old ways pissed you off, you must be an old agent? Cause why would someone waste their time trying to put me down if I didn't DIRECTLY hurt them? Do you know what a sheep wounds like?? :: insert sheep sound :: Follower, BORING

Please... come up with something more interesting. And my god, I love this site, but no offense... if you want to even ding the "sad career" I have, XPT probably isn't the best place to do that. I have no need to explain...

Keep hiding and keep talking shit... Your stuff will be as pointless and un hurtful and Burgs BOOKS he writes trying to make me look bad.

As I said, NEXT...

Right on Mia. Give 'em shit.